6/8 Time songs have tendency to freeze when in "Click" mode

I’ve been working on a few 6/8 time songs in click mode and all of them seem to have a high chance of freezing mid-song, currently it seems like it freezes most times. I don’t seem to have this issue with other non-6/8 songs. This requires me to force stop the app and reopen.

The songs I’ve had issues with so far are:
-This Year’s Love - David Grey
-Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen

Android Version: 14
App Version: 3.13.2


Hi @Flatworm0235

Thank you for reporting this bug to us, we will get our content and development team to look into this asap and hopefully fix it soon.

We’ll keep you updated on the progress of this here :slight_smile:


Great, thanks for looking into it. Let me know if any additional diagnostic info/anything else is needed!

Hey @Flatworm0235

After passing this on to our development team they have been able to fix this issue but it will not go live until the next update of the app because it requires a new app build to correct.

We’re hoping to release the new update in mid-August and we apologise for any inconvenience caused in the meantime :slight_smile:


No worries - thanks for getting the fix in quick!

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