A book about “Angie”

My dad says he once read a book about a guy who had a bet in a pub that from no knowledge to one year he could learn to play Angie by Burt Jansch. The guy was a journalist and turned it into a book. He even went to learn from the man himself.

Unfortunately my dad can’t remember what it’s called and I’ve tried various google searches based on my minimal information above. Just wondering if anyone has heard of it and if so some more details so I can get it for him.

I mean I’m assuming it wasn’t just a dream of his!!!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: A ChatGPT query on a book

Here’s an interesting interview including him and a couple of others:

Fantastic!! Thanks guys! I hadn’t thought of using AI to find it!

Just ordered the last paperback on Amazon uk​:metal: :guitar:

I’ll read it on my cruise as I can’t take the guitar!!