A minor blues (response to previous feedback)

Hi all, i got a lot of great feedback on my last post. Heres my attempt to implement it into a track. Once again id be grateful for any and all feedback :smiley:


Hi Jacob,
How much proof does a person need that this community is working perfect/properly :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I would only post them together for a good before and after comparison (they’re going to be aggregated by month anyway by the Mods)…but if something like that not crossed the ‘month limit’ I personally like to see these kinds of improvements together… Super well done man :sunglasses: :clap:


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Great work Jacob! One thing to bear in mind is that improv soloing for five minutes is VERY hard. Most guitar solos are way shorter, so be proud of the fact you can keep it going for so long.

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Wow that was very good. :clap::clap::clap:

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Jacob, that was some sweet sounds coming from that recording. Loved it!

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Fantastic job Jason, sounded sweet!

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