A new Community heading has finally appeared!

Anyone know if these pictures will be churning over periodically? Be good to see a few more people up there that I recognise ( about 5 or 6 atm, including myself :flushed:).
If so I vote for @brianlarsen to be first in the queue. I feel he may have made a dartboard at home. :sweat_smile:


Bulls#@#! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
(Bullseye, thatโ€™s bullseye of course :wink:)


Cool banner :slightly_smiling_face: Nice to see all those faces !

True. And you are doing better than me, Gordon โ€ฆ my count is 8 plus one maybe and another that I recognise but forget the username.

It is the people who makes the site what it is so it is nice to see the faces of the people (and their guitars).

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