A postcard for Lisa

To grass stained Jeans :beers::kissing_heart: @Lisa_S


Hey Silvia!
Such a great picture! Where is that?



Wow, what a beautiful sight on a not so small village on a hill! :heart_eyes:

Itā€™s so sweet of you Silvia, thanks for that lovely postcard! :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Completely get the grass stained jeans feeling, too! :heart_eyes:


Memories kick inā€¦ :blush:. For my mother grass stained Jeans werenā€™t that much of a problem. It was even worseā€¦ I was always running with the boys outside, so my Jeans were torn and my mother had to iron on all those ugly patches to cover the holes. @Lisa_S do you remember those patches? Another Symbol for my youth, like the Zitronenfalter :blush:.
Beautiful village up there, reminds me on a stay at the tuscany coast. Mare e monti, I love that!


@CATMAN62 @Lisa_S @Helen0609 This is the village I was born :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: itā€™s in the Ligurian Coast in the North of Italy, only a few kilometers from the Cinque Terre areaā€¦I took this picture yesterday morning as I was walking up to my parentsā€™ houseā€¦so many lovely memoriesā€¦things are changed though, and that most steep down stone and earth staircase which leaded to the woods is not there anymoreā€¦we were running down soo fast and free! I could spend the all afternoon describing how many things have changed there!


What a lovely place to grow up, Silvia! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Itā€™s good to preserve loads of good memories about the places we grew up. By that, we kind of keep the charmes in us, even though they changed. Itā€™s probably the same thing anywhere. Nevertheless, in our memory we can cherish these things and some changes are also quite good. :slight_smile:

Oh yes, Andrea! Remember them all to well. I also was more like an outside kind playing in the dirt. :rofl: These are good memories as well, but regards the cloths Iā€™d rather not to look on pictures of these days. Or even the haircuts. :woozy_face: :rofl:


ā€¦Omgā€¦the haircuts :see_no_evil::rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@SILVIA @Lisa_S In Germany they called it ā€œRundschnittā€ (roundcut). Fitted for everybody. Didnā€™t matter, if boy or girl :joy:. My husband and I compared pics out of that time :see_no_evil:. Same kind of clothing, same haircut, fashion was awful back thenā€¦


@Helen0609, at least ā€œrundschnittā€ sounds better then the Dutch word for it: ā€œbloempotā€ (flower pot) :smiley:


@Helen0609 @LadyOfTheCastle

Love the bloempot! :smiley: In our area it was called ā€œTopfschnittā€ as in put a pot on the head, cut around the edges, thatā€™s it. :rofl:


@Lisa_S, yep, thatā€™s the same sophisticated technique as the flower pot :rofl:


Wow! Amazing photo, Silvia! And you were born there?! :astonished: :exploding_head: :heart_eyes: Absolutely unfathomable from a kiwi tucked away in the underside of the world where our towns are so plain and boring! :yawning_face: :sweat_smile:
Super cool and love your shared stories above with @Helen0609 & @Lisa_S - made me laugh! :joy: :blush:


@LadyOfTheCastle @Lisa_S To be honest, most people actually called it ā€œTopfschnittā€, but I remember being brought to the hairdresser as a child and my mother ordered the ā€œRundschnittā€ there, maybe their way to disguise this kind of ā€œbodily harmā€ :rofl:


If it helps, Jeff, I can assure you that lots of Europeans have NZ top on their wishlist for travelling :heart_eyes:. It must be such a beautiful country. Everything but boring. Itā€™s hard to keep up with Italian cities and villages anywayā€¦give us Germans some Italian flavour and we are melting like ice in the sun :blush: :sun_with_face:.


OMG, I had almost managed to forget about it :haircut_man::crazy_face: :smile:
How happy I was when the 80s finally came to an end and the 90s arrived! :smiley: :metal: