A Quick Bonjour from Richard in Mayenne

Hi Everyone,
I thought it would be polite to say hello and introduce myself.

I’ve owned 2 guitars for years, a Tanglewood parlour guitar and an Ibanez electric guitar. I bought them both with the aim of learning to play since I love live gigs and have always wanted to learn. However like many here, work made taking the time to practice and study just impossible.
Still; when the delightful Covid hit, my overseas travelling ground to a pleasant halt. I still had to slave in the UK but it brought about a serious rethink in our household. So prior to Brexit my wife, I and our 6 moggies transferred to my company’s French subsiduary.
Now I have the time to play and practice; oh thankyou you lovely French working directives. I’d been struggling since last January trying to make use of the instructional books I’ve owned for years, they were ok but just dull if I’m honest. Plus I’m still travelling quite a great deal in France so I end up in hotels most weeks.
I was surfing You Tube a month or two back watching my usual car crash videos when Justin just happened to pop up with an instruction video. I liked the way he came across and found the video quite useful, then a few weeks ago I discovered his app which I really like and have paid for the monthly access.
I’ve had to overcome my self consciousness and have taken to practicing my guitar in the hotel bars in a quiet corner, so if you see a fat bald English bloke swearing at his mis-behaving fingers on his left hand then you know who it is.

I haven’t really visited the website much, I find the app just perfect for my needs but I’ll try and make the effort to drop by now and again.


Hi Richard, hope you have fun putting them to use :guitar::guitar::guitar:

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Welcome to the forum Richard

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Welcome to the community, Richard! :slight_smile:

It’s great you overcame your doubts and practice in hotel bars! Few years ago I was forced to travel a lot work wise and wouldn’t have been that brave. So much respect for you doing this! :smiley:

I wish you loads of fun on your journey and a lot of joyful moments with your guitar, wherever you play! :slight_smile:

Cheers - Lisa

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Welcome from the Madman of Manche, Rick from 53 !!

Funnily enough I also found Justin after I up sticks and crossed the channel and like you I’d been trying to kick start again through books mainly. Dropped onto the web site (old courses) around '13 and signed up here Spring '14. You won’t find a better place.

The app will do you fine for now (not used it myself) but there will come a time when you will have to continue, using the website lessons and grades. In the mean time plenty of folk around here to help out if you ever get stuck.

Would there also be a Tiger in the stable ?

Bon après-midi !


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Bonsoir monsieur et bienvenue à la commune JG (someone correct me, my French is very rusty :smiley:)

Great to have you here with us :slightly_smiling_face:


There certainly is Toby, I bought my new baby after a break of a few years. I did trackdays on my beloved ZX6R for 15 years but work just made that impossible too so I sold it in 2018. A decision I now bitterly regret.
My French is awful to be honest, I’m learning of course but my boss is loathed to allow me any formal lessons or time to study so I have to do the best I can.

Many thanks for the welcome everyone.


The Tiger will do you well over here. Sold 4 bikes on leaving the UK. Bandit 12, VN1500, TS250 and a 77 CB125S, way too complicated to put into storage let alone keep insurance going. Bought a Yam FZ8 in Sept 12 up at Granville but needed to ease things down, so picked a HD Low Rider in '19 from Francks Motos in Fougeres. Perfect for ambling round the Manche and Ille et Villaine roads. Oh and the odd trundle Fougeres, Laval way. Roads to die for :+1:

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Welcome to the community. Sounds like you and I have much in common. Love of justin guitar and car crash movies. :slight_smile:

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Hello Rick, and welcome to the community :hugs:.

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Welcome to the community. Wishing you luck and happiness on your journey. :slight_smile:

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Hello Richard and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: I’ll keep an eye out next time I’m in France.

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Hi Richard,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Greetings Rogier

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Hello Richard and welcome to the community. The app is convenient when traveling and fun to play along to. I like the website song video lessons for learning the songs, since they are like personnel lessons with Justin for each of the songs. Enjoy your practice wherever you are, even in public places.


Welcome Richard. I also purchased the App and love it; it’s really helped with learning songs as well as my chord changes. I also use the website because there are plenty of lessons for songs the App doesn’t have, for example, I’m about to try Justin’s lesson on U2’s One today. Also, I use the Practice Assistant which is documenting my journey as well. I like seeing how much I’ve practiced every week.

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Welcome TriumphTigerRick!

Some things in common; British, guitars, Triumph Tigers and spending a lot of time in France (but I confess I officially live in Switzerland).

When in France, I’m at the other end of the country to you (in Méthamis, Vaucluse) and in addition to trying to learn the guitar, I ride a Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Pro. Best bike I have ever had. Regularly use it to travel from Switzerland to the south of France. I also keep a 1995 Triumph Thunderbird at my house in France.

I would be way too embarrassed to play in front of people I don’t know in a hotel bar. That suggests to me that you are probably quite advanced in your guitar playing or that you are not shy - or both. I’m a long way off performing in front of strangers or people I know for that matter - other than my wife - who claims she likes it (but she may just be polite).

We’re doing a motorbike trip around Colombia for the next 6 months but afterwards if you’re in our neck of France (Vaucluse) then let me know and I can show you some of the best roads for biking I have experienced and torture you with my guitar playing :slight_smile:

Welcome again to the community.



Hi Prof,

to say I’m any good is hilarious; I’m a newbie and bloody awful still. When I say I play in bars I mean I quietly sit in the corner not trying to be too audibly offensive and practice my chord changes and riffs without anyone threatening to beat me over the head with my guitar. And yes I am shy, but too many hotels have walls as thick as toilet paper so even farting can reverberate between floors. So who knows how bad will my awful strumming sound like.
I’ve worked in Colombia many times, mainly around Bogota. Its an amazing place but I’d be careful still.

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Hello Richard.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. It’s great you have found Justin’s lessons, he offers structure and a sure path to follow from the very beginning. Thousands and thousands have learned using his lessons. Thanks for taking a subscription to the App. It is definitely worth checking the matching lessons on the website. All have additional information, some downloadable content and each has a link to a dedicated discussion topic here in the community.
If you need any help with a lesson specific question or with any general guitar learning question then do not hesitate to ask. There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.