A Shape Barre Chords: Minor

If you’ve been struggling with the A Shape Barre Chord - Major and have a hard time with it, you’ll be glad to know that this A Shape Barre Chord - Minor is as easy as pie. :slight_smile:


If you play it straight major it is relatively easy to learn. How do you deal with maj7 and dom7? Any tricks for that? :wave:t2:

Dominant 7: https://www.justinguitar.com/guitar-lessons/a-shape-barre-chords-dominant-7ths-ash-003

Maj7 - lesson pending.

Another good song for this exercise is “Lightning Crashes” by Live. I like how it is a relatively easy chord progression, but it gets your hands moving around in different shapes :+1:

But it doesn’t have any minor chords in it and this is a A shaped Barre Chord “Minor” Lesson

The chords in Lightning Crashes are all Major

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Yep, ha, for sure. I was thinking that the 3rd chord in the progression was an A shaped minor, but it’s definitely not. I just played it as a minor and it sounds…not good.

You’re right My memory isn’t as good as it used to be. I was running the song through my head and thought I think the Bridge uses minor Barre chords so I went and checked and it does.
So my bad you where right.
Great song haven’t played in for a long time.

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What about playing the Am chord with fingers 2, 3 and 4? Then it would be easier to change from Am to Bm. Or are there disadvantages to it?

why do you call it an A shape if it’s an E shape?

Not sure what is confusing you as it is the Am shape refingered with a barre and muted 6th string.
Can you clarify further.
PS welcome to the community

Yes the Am shape looks like an E shape, the Am shape’s root note is on the A string and the E shape the root is on the E string. Also the Am shape comes from flattening the 3rd of the A shape making it an A shape minor barre chord


Not sure if this is part of photoshopers confusion. The “learn more” section first image is for G chord in a E shape. It is trying to portray how they are similar. The Am shape is not pictured. For an image of A shape minor see the PDF work book page 11 at the start of this series. It gives the image. Or just move the shape down a string and mute the top string like the text explains. :slight_smile: