... about Community membership and participation

Thanks Craig @moose408, I thought about that. My mind was going toward a more general level-focused ā€“ but not topic-focused ā€“ category that would encompass grades 1 through 3. A topic in which Stacy might ā€“ or might not! ā€“ have chosen to place this post. Based on the replies, Iā€™m getting the idea that such a thing doesnā€™t exist because itā€™s not practical to implement. Thatā€™s ok too!

Haha, it doesnā€™t feel to me like you whine or moan! I do like your use of ā€œsqueakyā€. I might steal that (with permission of course :smile:)!

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@BurnsRhythm @judi

We have had similar discussions in the past, considering ways of creating sub-groups. Apart from it not being practical here, we have concluded that it is not in keeping with the ethos of this Community.

I think at times many of us have moments of vulnerability, be it posting a recordings, asking a question, or posting a reply. The spirit of the Community is such that I think those more competent or knowledgeable share in an encouraging, supportive way. Iā€™ve not experienced people being patronising, demeaning of folk here.

You can always post general Topics in the Grade category without selecting a specific Sub-category to discuss more general matters.


You donā€™t have to apologize. I think asking for help is a pretty common thing on the community, and people - like you - tend to ask when they canā€™t quite figure it out themselves.

The popularity of the thread (and some of your others) speaks to the interest in them.


Rick @stitch
No problem, I am totally with you chat rooms/closed groups that type of thing is definitely the wrong way to go.
It was just that I was a little concerned that my suggestion might have been misunderstood.


I think you may have been missed represented in your response to these comments but you clearly stated a ā€œtopicā€ which anyone can post now. But good to see that clarified as most people seem to be on the same page.

My thoughts are I will try and help and advise folks who have asked a question or for feedback, who are coming up the road behind me, so I can help them avoid the pitfalls I made back then. That and questions on areas I am currently working on. Surely it is better to gain from the experience of folks who have done what you are trying to do and help you achieve your goals. Be that learning songs, playing rhythm patterns or improvising. We are all treading the same path, just a different points on the road.

As @DavidP said


Your response is disappointing David.
It means the community will remain exclusive.

Over 200,000 members
Less than 1% active

My suggestion has no exclusivity about it. Itā€™s not a live chat room and itā€™s not a closed topic. Itā€™s a topic within each grade, a bit like the lesson topic only geared more towards general grade level chat rather than being specific.
Itā€™s an attempt to make the community more inclusive. To draw in all those who donā€™t engage with the community. For that, it would need to be visible and accessible from the website, the same way as the lesson topics.

Itā€™s said that 90% of beginners quit in the first year.
If the structure of the community was such that they could join in, then maybe a lot more of them would be encouraged to stick at it.
With the structure as it is, the community simply couldnā€™t cope with all that activity.

David, Iā€™m possibly not following 100%.

I thought you were suggesting adding a Topic per grade for people to have a general chat, rather than lesson specific. With the key being a link from a page on the website. Iā€™m not sure how a general topic rather than a lesson Topic would make the Community more inclusive. Then you say the Community couldnā€™t cope with the activity based on the current structure.

I apologise if I am missing the obvious, Iā€™m not trying to be deliberately obtuse.

All that aside, I donā€™t think the Community is set up to be exclusive per se. But maybe there are things that could encourage more participation and support people to stay with the learning. Maybe there are things that discourage people.

We are always interested and open to such conversations, willing to introduce things subject to the constraints we have on this site and the website.

For example, maybe the Class of '23 initiative may be a success and lead to more people sticking through the first stages. Perhaps some of those students will join the Community when that initiative comes to an end.

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I donā€™t dispute what youā€™re saying Toby. I value you and others who pass your experience back down the line. Many of us at my level try to do the same.
Thereā€™s also value in discussing the learning with others at the same level but it doesnā€™t seem to happen much, hence the idea of grade threads.
I think Judi @judi puts it better than I can, up thread -

ā€œCommunicating with others experiencing what you are in the moment can be powerful.ā€

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I donā€™t mean a grade topic would replace the lesson threads. More that they would run alongside each other. The lesson threads are for specific Q&A and grade thread for general student chat.
I should remind you that Richard asked us not to fill the lesson threads with general chat.
To my mind, the lesson threads arenā€™t used very much considering the huge number of registered users.
Why not? Well I donā€™t know any more than you do.
A more general topic may encourage students to engage with each other more. There are no guarantees though. It may or may not work.
Linking the grade threads to the website will mean a lot more people will be aware of them rather than just those who are currently active.

Regarding the community not being able to cope -
As far as Iā€™m aware, this community is open to all registered users.
If even just 10% (thatā€™s 70,000) of them suddenly become active hereā€¦wellā€¦how are you going to cope? Nightmare! But it could happen!
Grade topics for every grade would cope far better, and from there, students can filter into the rest of the community. Okay, so they could soon become very long threads. Things to think about.

Yes, the class of 23 may be a way into the community for new students. I donā€™t know anything about it so, we shall seeā€¦.

David, Iā€™m not saying that this idea is what should happen. Itā€™s an idea. Better minds than mine may come up with better ideas. Itā€™s good that you are willing to have a conversation about it though.
Thank you.

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I donā€™t know which post to reply to, so I just chose David. :slight_smile:

When I read the sub-group topic, I had a very different thought. I didnā€™t pursue it because it was not part of the original question.

Look at what we have done to this topic. The topic is a common problem and I can assume it will be visited by future students because the topic is well stated. Now, look at what has happened to it, it has been hijacked by a very different topic that is itself a good one, but not related well enough to be here.

This is the problem I originally saw - how can we isolate a good discussion that doesnā€™t draw readers based on the topic? Someone needing to study how to learn songs will get into reading the forum improvements and feel like the question had no resolution. Conversely, someone wanting to improve the community wonā€™t even look here for this discussion.

Moderators cannot be expected to do a detailed hunt for off-topic stuff and create a new one. Searching is often a problem for me. I cannot find my own replies in some cases without taking many minutes of hunting. I think finding a fix for this may solve some of the problems for new and old folks looking for specific help.


Then just open a topic and make an invitation, its as simple as that. If you think it will be of benefit go for it and see what falls out when you shake the tree. Simples.

And the only person looking over my shoulder is the Reaper, no one on these boards for sure, never has been in the last decade. I even wrote a song about it back in 2017 !!

Do what you got to do and anything that you think will help. Just keep the door open for folks who have been there and screwed up big style, to chip in now and then, when we see you heading for a ditch. We may just save you a whole lot of hurt.



There is nothing stopping you from stating a thread in Grade 2 something like
ā€œIā€™d like to hear from other Grade 2 studentsā€ or Grade 2 students share your experiences"
in the Grade 2 section of this forum. All you do is go to Grade 2 and click on NEW TOPIC this will start a topic in Grade 2 and wonā€™t be lesson specific. There is no need for another Sub-category or special Category.
That being said there is nothing stopping any Memnber from posting in that thread


I was thinking more in ā€œJust Chattingā€ which would not only be more appropriate but keep the mods happy, by not cluttering the Grade/Lesson categories up with non-lesson specific threads. And as folk are ā€œjust chattingā€ about their journeys it should fit like a glove. Just needs someone to take the initiative to kick things off.

ā€œGrade 1/2/3 Students General Discussion Thread. Howā€™s It Going folks ?ā€



I would presume it would be OK as the category already covers it

Now where can I listen to that song?


My Soundcloud acct and in my LL recording list somewhere !

@TheMadman_tobyjenner @stitch
Yes, your suggestion is workable but I donā€™t think it would create much traffic because it would only involve a limited number of people who are already here in the community.
It needs to be linked to the website in order to draw in as many as possible.
Also - the person who created it would feel obliged to keep it going during quiet periods.
Far better for it to be a community provided topic.

Not sure it will create much traffic in comparison to the way itā€™s set up today as when linked to the main website you chat from the main website rather than chat icon taking you to the specific page on the forum. I agree that it would be better if the Community was more visible on the main website.

This Forum and all the lessons and songs are linked together with their own thread and according to you only 1% are active here. Do you honestly think adding another 7 Sub-categories would attract more users.

And by adding more Places to post this solves the problem How?

Yes, and I believe I started it. Apologies to all, especially Stacy. @artax_2 I (hope I) have learned my lesson, and will start a new thread next time.