LZ Led Zepplin
LS Lynyrd Skynyrd
ABB Allman Brothers Band.
12BB 12 Bar Blues
Feel free to add to the Mad Man list
LZ Led Zepplin
LS Lynyrd Skynyrd
ABB Allman Brothers Band.
12BB 12 Bar Blues
Feel free to add to the Mad Man list
NW no way, Sacrilege
LZ is “Lazy” from MH LP by DP
Ooops! I just reviewed Justin’s video, and you are correct.
I think I often add that last U on muted strings for rhythmic purposes, but it’s not the “official” OF.
Will fix my post.
How about:
And he says:
And I try so hard to explain based on my assessment of the poster’s level of knowledge
But I am prone, so a fair call even if said entirely in jest
Quite happy to make Deep Purple the primary meaning of DP, accept when used in a post by CT (Clint Tisher) when in context it is probably David Preece
My favourite acronym is DILLIGAFF, but I’m not going to put what it means here, it’s a bit rude. IYKYK
Is the penultimate F for “flying?”
I didn’t, but ‘phoned’ my friend Google.
So I can now add to the pantheon … IYDKYG