Adrian's Adventures in Guitar World

So here I am after an 18 year break from guitar due to a neck injury, all good now.

I started posting on instagram so will stick with that for now. I will try and post once a week so I can see how I am doing and possibly get some feedback.

Here is my first video on 1 Nov 2024
WYWH, 1st attempt

Here the second Wish You Were Here on 17 November,

WYWH number 2


I have been working hard with JustinGuitar lessons and using some other practice tools, this is a video of me trying to get to grips with Pull offs, a tricky technique for sure.

Adrianā€™s Pull offs Practice (Instagram)

Adrianā€™s Pull Offs practice

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Sounding great Adrian! Some nice dynamics there. Justin has some helpful videos on this song. The video where he teaches the intro riff really helped me get the timing and strumming pattern down for this song. Congratulations on your decision to get back into playing. Glad your neck is better!

I only listened to the 2nd WWH post because Insta wasnā€™t loading well. This message board has a few quirks that Iā€™m still getting used to myself. When posting YouTube videos, you can get them to directly parse in the forum by pasting the link and hitting enter. (Sometimes it takes a few minutes.) If you use the ā€œinsert linkā€ function, people have to click off the site to view the video. I donā€™t think the above is true for Instagram though, unfortunately.

Good to meet you, and Happy Playing!

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Great idea Adrian to document your progress like this! Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to look back & see a ton of improvement over time! Good luck with your musical Journey!


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Thanks for the kind comments, Iā€™m a bit OCD so needs improving on in my mind. Iā€™ve started looking at the other two solos so can the do the whole WYWH.

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My guitar adventures have continued, I have been doing lots of practice, a mix of strumming, my selected song practice, blues, solos and riffs. I have been practicing using Justinguitars and a couple of other apps for variety. Things are slowly improving, strumming has improved, but need more consistency and control.

I picked up this near mint Ibanez electro Acoustic (EW20BGE-NT) today, it was a great price but I had to do a 200 mile round trip to get it, but its worth it. Sounds great, and getting used to it. I got it so I can play some different styles and I am getting into finger picking, I need more practice and I need to focus on a more even sound when chord strumming.

Here is a video of my 1st attempt at some finger-picking on it.

Fingerpicking practice 1

or on Instagram


ā€˜American Girlā€™ rendition after 2 days learning it.

Youtube link

Instagram Link


I havenā€™t posted for a few weeks, Iā€™ve been practicing quite a lot. I started ā€˜Samba Pa Tiā€™ - Santana a few weeks ago and think I have it nearly cracked. ā€˜Wish you Were Hereā€™ - Pink Floyd and ā€˜American Girlā€™ - Tom Petty are still work in progress but getting there. I am also working on ā€˜Purple Hazeā€™ - Jimi Hendrix, which I love, but the final solo is proving to be hard to get right. Hope you enjoy this one. :blush:

Any thoughts of feed back would be welcome. :scream:

Instagram link


Hi Adrian. Iā€™ve come over here for a proper look after viewing and commenting on your safe space post.
Kudos and good vibes to you for sharing your progress journal like this. And bravo for learning a range of styles and techniques on electric and acoustic.
You mentioned in your introductory post your issues, your struggles with rhythm. It looks like you are following some kind of learning exercise with the flick-off and finger picking recordings. Do you have additional learning materials you use? Are you spending time with any dedicated rhythm studies? You have a lot of good to work with and build on - chord changes, pentatonic familiarity etc. Iā€™m happy to help if I can. :slight_smile:

Hello Richard

Thanks again for taking a look at my videos.

Accuracy and consistency with rhythm/strumming I have always struggled with. When I did a BTEC Music course at Exeter College 20 years ago, (a mid life thing at the time and our personal life at the time meant I could), I found picking up strumming patterns locking them in hard. We had to learn/play 3 songs every other week, a mix of pop/jazz which I found challenging. If the band I was in choose dissimilar songs this made it hard for me. One thing I never understood was we played ā€˜Take Fiveā€™ and I nailed the 5/4 rhythm very quickly. Unfortunately I had to stop playing after 18 months due to fretting hand and left arm issues, which a year later turned out to be caused by a crushed nerve in my neck. I had an operation to fuse the 4/5 vertebrae and this got rid of the pain and after about a year thet feeling and strength came back in my arm and hand.

I always lusted after a Gibson 335, just a lovely guitar and pretty versatile, so I sold some HiFi gear and went for it. As a result I came across the Gibson App, so along with JustinGuitar lessons(really good), I have been using it to learn songs and play along with. I have been going through all Gibson app lessons, and have tried acoustic/folk, and recently some country style material as well, the country song is quite challenging for me, as it has several strum rhythms, 2 finger picking styles with pick on bass notes and fingers on higher strings, and it uses normal open chords along with simple open movable chords up the neck. I find doing something like this quite enjoyable and satisfying when it starts to sound OK.

I am also very keen on the Blues and have been picking up and practicing 12 bar patterns, a mix of riffs, in BB King, Freddie King and Albert King style, along with a mix of Blues strum patterns. Again I have been using the Gibson app, but also some material from GuitarTricks. I have put my name forward for JustinGuitar Intensive Blues course number 3, and hope to join in on that, hopefully my playing will be more consistent in 6 months time.

I took your advice and spent time this morning focusing on getting more accurate strumming on ā€˜Wish you Were Hereā€™ in the intro/repeat section and verse/chorus. I slowed it down and 2 things became clear to me in the intro, as my strumming was inconsistent, sometimes hitting down strokes instead of ups and visa/versa it made playing individual notes runs awkward and put me off the rhythm and timing as a whole. I broke the intro down into several parts until I could play each more accurately and then added on the next few bars, once I was playing them more accurately until I I had it all. I then gradually increased the tempo and if it went to pot slowed it down again. During this whole process I focused on quieting down my arm strum and improving my wrist movement, as you advised, this clearly helped, as my wrist freedom became more relaxed I felt I had more time to transition between chords and noted runs, everything felt more fluid, if that makes sense. I went onto practice the Verse/Chorus and this then felt more natural, just need to get chord change more consistent.

I have written quite a bit but thought you might be interested. :grinning:

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Thanks for a detailed and fascinating reply Adrian.
I too lust after a cherry red ES335 like you have.
Aahhh. Dreams. You have made one of yours come true!! :slight_smile:
You have a lot of learning material and a lot of styles you are chasing after. I do wonder if youā€™re spreading yourself too thin and pursuing too many avenues at once, at the expense of improving the core techniques and gaining improved mastery in fewer areas.

Hi Richard, I had considered if I was doing too much?

I am focusing on a small portfolio of songs, ā€˜Eleanor Rigbyā€™, WYWH, ā€˜Purple Hazeā€™, ā€˜Hey Joeā€™ ā€˜Samba Pa Tiā€™, and Heart of Gold. Plus I am doing some Blue and a bit of acoustic when I want a change. I also am doing some stretch exercises and Pentatonic and Major scales, and I need to increase the Rhythm Practice and chord accuracy.

I am lucky because I can play 4 or more hours a day if I choose.

Valentlne and Birthday song, hereā€™s my first attempt at playing and singing a song at the same time. :heart_eyes:

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I have been working on this and am really beginning to enjoy playing the blues, apologies for the sound quality. I think I am going to have to experiment with a USB mic I have, or buy a mic. It sounded better when I was playing it.



A really good effort: the chords were well plaued and on time. Some of the runs were a little less confidently played. This is quite a long piece: it may be worth rehearsing shorter passages from it at a slower tempo then reassembling the parts into a complete piece. I enjoyed hearing where you are with it now.


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Thanks Brian, yes a couple of moments on the fast runs and hit two wrong notes. I thought about recording a 2nd time but maybe better to just go with how it is. A few weeks ago I felt I had hit a brick wall then came across this piece and manage to play it through on first attempt and enjoy it, so I have been practicing it along with other.songs for about 2 weeks.

See that right hand keeping time even when youā€™re not strumming ā€¦

Ambitious and coming along nicely Adrian. As @beejay56 suggests, take the pentatonic runs out and practice them separately to make them work and feel better and smoother.

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Thanks Richard, nice to get feedback and constructive advice. :smiley: :+1: :guitar:

I completely agree about the pentatonic runs, look easy but a bit quick, for my old hands anyway. I intend to focus on these independently, there is also another part where it goes from the 1st str/8th fret and quickly into a variation of the run and then stops abruptly and back to the 7th fret on 3rd Str, and does a one off lick. I will isolate that as well practicing the lead in run into it.

I will do some :guitar: practice and then re-record trying a Panasonic Stereo USB Mic that I have, hopefully it will give better sound quality results than iPhone SE or MacBook Pro Mics.

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Thatā€™s a great effort Adrian! Thatā€™s not an easy piece to play for anyone I think.

Iā€™m guessing youā€™re playing a solo thatā€™s tabbed/transcribed - not improvised. I agree with Richard that a good strategy would be to isolate the pentatonic solo parts and polish them up. Perhaps a little attention to the bends would benefit. For example the bend at about 3:08 was sounding when it was coming down when it should be stopped at the top. That said, youā€™re playing some of the faster parts really well!

Thanks, yes it is transcribed and play on a app, I have just worked out how to loop sections, about 8 bars minimum or more as you want, also cam slow it down to 75%, 90% and at mortal tempo. I have been practicing those tricky pentatonic runs this morning and am much improved, also focused on the bends. I used my tuner to see how close I was getting to a full and half bends to get them sounding cleaner. Also went through some of the solo sections and focused on better accuracy.

I am really enjoying getting the feel of this piece and once better will re-record.

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