Sensei @Richard_close2u shared an interesting couple of musical links yesterday, which unbeknownst to him were AI generated.
Upon realising this, he deleted the thread.
Food for thought (and the inevitable tsunami of different opinions) :thinking:

Whether we like it or not, AI is growing exponentially in volume and quality.
Like most new technology, the initial response is: “It’s not as good as what it is replacing” (amongst many other problems), then it becomes hard to tell the difference, until finally, it is so ‘good’ that it replaces most of the ‘old’ ways of doing things.
We’re getting to the stage where it’s becoming hard to tell the difference in music, visuals and words :grimacing:

I was not aware of the “(currently informal) approach in the Community of not promoting or sharing AI music (even unofficial) non-AI sharing policy.” (Richard)

I’ve shared AI content in the ‘funnies’ thread, and we have regular contributors who enjoy sharing their conjured-up visual images.

I don’t think the sensible response is to bury our heads in the sand, deleting (or even frowning upon) AI content per se, but rather to identify it as such, wherever possible :face_with_monocle:
This issue is not going to go away, and community might do well to have a separate AI section, where folks who like this direction can indulge and those who disapprove, do not have to be exposed to it (as much).
More work for the mods, of course, but hey ho… :rofl:


Ai is built upon stealing contents from authors / creators without their permission !

its stealing … so not posting and promoting it is a a good thing !

its not because its popular that it is the right thing to do … If the trend is to jump of a cliff , you do not have to follow


Hi ,Funny, I also wanted to respond to that since we already have people here who already use it in their AVOYP and done very well :sunglasses: like Darrell @DarrellW

Oh yes… the last song of The Beatles etc etc


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Ai Ai Oh . . . no . . . look what they’ve done to my song, Ma.

I wasn’t aware of any policy around AI music, so thanks for that, Brian.

I remember when I started to record and use a DAW I wrestled with issues such as comp’ing. When does it become “cheating”.

Similarly, my original songs have drums that are not played and recorded by me, but use a Digital Instrument and preset grooves, which I may or may not tweak.

Then there is all the ‘original’ music out there that is based on sampling original music.

Whether we need something more explicit or not, I’m not sure, but topics related to AI and music in Just Chatting are just fine in my book (but consider that a David view, not an official policy statement).

Oh and then there is pitch correction?

AI will certainly change the game, as it is changing so many things. Like the industrial revolution changed the world.

It will get better and better as you (Brian) say. Remember early chess computers that were not very good. Now the world champion has no chance in a series. Some said, sure chess but never go. Well eat those words.

As one of those AI art gen folk some friends there who know I ‘play’ guitar ask if I’ve used AI for my own ‘song-writing’. I haven’t for the music side. I expect in future I will make use of AI as an aid to lyric writing, as I find that quite challenging. Just as I use AI as an aid at work already.

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Yeah - it’s so informal that I suspect I may have imagined it in the deep, dark crevices of my mind!

@DarrellW used AI for vocals on his own song compositions - because, as he stated, he doesn’t sing. But, they were pulled and are no longer available on his channel or here in the community due to action by the AI company he used.

I believe that any such content is not welcome here.

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All Ai itself has been trained with Internet contents , violating the laws in several contries about the copyrights

Using AI is knowing that you use contents stolen from others without their consents , and worse , its destroying all the art industry at the moment
Its a real nightmare for professionals

We are fighting against it but its like Don quixote against the windmills …

People use it to have fun , thats all that matters to them but its the tip of the iceberg , they dont see the consequences …

So yeah Im real happy of Ai not being promoted here !

Thanks @Richard_close2u


You are of course absolutely right about that, but while on the one hand it takes away people’s income (and there are certainly more disadvantages that can be imagined for the future and I am certainly not confident about it), it gives another group work and also artists, and AI is a blessing for many cancer patients and other diseases now and in the future…

It has been discussed here before and it was not really pleasant because people like you (there were a few in that topic at the time) who will notice it in their profession in a bad way are of course 100% against it and then there is a group that is completely thinks the other way, and then there is a large middle group like me who also see some of the benefits, and personally my wife and I are also suffering financially with her company…so it’s 2 sides for us
But it is there now and as we know it is getting bigger every hour and here too texts are posted entirely written by AI …sometimes in jest and sometimes seriously and told that it is…and sometimes not…


You have given me the spark of a reminder Rogier.
The thought that we had an ‘informal policy’.

There have been occasions when people have copy / pasted AI generated written content to reply to questions in the community.

That, in my view, is not good.
The community is here for people to help people.
Not for AI to answer questions from a quick google search.

I have raised the question with Justin and the team.


and it should stay out of the art field

as I said before , its not because it is a trend that it is right !

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I agree with you Richard, but we don’t know what we don’t know…and if there are professors at university, they often can’t see the differences anymore…but of course intervene where possible, but Brian starts there not for nothing…it is here now and will only get more and better every hour more is entered than 10 persons can read in there entire life…which also involves the blood, sweat and tears on which AI is built :cry:

What makes something art?
Art is made by humans and not by nature. People who make art are artists. Art is a broad concept that refers to all human creative activities aimed at producing aesthetic, expressive or communicative works.

Deborah is quite correct here
For me the moral problem is monetising others work without recompense/acknowledgment.

Every single thing I have ‘learned’ on the guitar, every song I play (even my ‘originals’) I have ‘stolen’ content from someone else, without their permission.
I don’t regard that as morally wrong.

I agree with you and @roger_holland, and I have a many friends in the arts industry who face the same nightmare :cry:

The windmills won.
That was not a bad thing.

I don’t think that’s true.
It’s more a case of not caring that much.

I come back to the my suggestion in the OP that in the Community, we should

If there was a separate section (and if ever it was decided to ban AI altogether, it would be much easier to delete :wink:

Would this be a good use of the poll function, so the JG team has more info on how the Community feels e.g.

  • Allow AI?
  • Tolerate, but discourage it?
  • Remove all AI content?

when you play a song we know that you re not the original artist
the main problem with AI is that people can’t tell if its AI or not !
thats what happened to Richard

It is too easy to fool people with it

I will always think that promoting something that steals , and fool people ( because it is used to create deep fakes , fake news etc ) will never be right … AI should be used in domains like medecine or science , used by professionals , thats not a public tool , it became one only become it makes big money

I should have used another example :sweat_smile:



I thought I was listening to something akin to the quite fabulous Post Modern Jukebox cast of musicians. They perform re-imagined versions of classic songs - but they are real musicians playing for real.
Only when I viewed it again today - with prompts - did I find out that I had been hoodwinked.

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My 2c is that we shouldn’t outright ban it in the community, but if it’s presented then it should be highlighted as AI generated. My personal opinion is that it has it’s place and the genie is out of the bottle.


I ve been fooled on spotify too … I had to look on google if the band existed or not … most people would not care about searching

I am fooled on pictures every single day its driving me crazy

how can you highlight it since it is hard to tell if it is AI or not ? its fooling everyone

What if the person themself does a quick google search, say for a chord shape, and posts the answer here, is that ok? To me chatGPT is just an efficient way of performing “a quick google search”.

I feel this is a legit use of AI, but I would like to hear more opinions about it.

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I love ‘selective’ quoting :rofl:

Oh, I am cut to the quick! :open_mouth: :rofl:

I know as many doctors and scientists as worried about AI as artists :wink:

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I just did a quick ChatGPT search in the Community.

It has been used / discussed quite a lot.

One of my friend posted this recently , some food for thoughts