Am I being daft?

Thanks for the clarification Mark.
I was hoping I was misinterpreting.

I just didnā€™t want Zoe to think that starting on a acoustic is a improper way to start to learn to play guitar.

I love both acoustic and electric, I just donā€™t think of one being a more proper way to learn to play something on as opposed to the other. :slight_smile:

Now, if youā€™re trying to death metal music on your acoustic, Iā€™m guessing that likely wouldnā€™t work so well. The electric would be most proper in that scenario.

Hence, have both (acoustic and electric) as your option. Play what sounds proper(ly). :wink:
Better yet, ya can chose which to play as to how your feeling on any particular dayā€¦ I go back and forth myself.

fwiw, I donā€™t play death metal music (it was just a example)ā€¦ I just canā€™t get the feel of it.

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Hey anythingā€™s worth a go right? :wink::joy:

Iā€™ve been doing the opposite - playing 12th century music on my metal guitar. Sounds good!

Hi Zoe,

I started this week on Beginner Grade 1, Module 1, just advanced today to Module 2 and I was having the same struggle of mind before I started. I ended up buying one of each (acoustic with steel strings) and I do not regret this choice.

I do all the lessons on my electric guitar and when itā€™s time to practice, I do a first round on my electric, then one round on my acoustic. The finger pain is real, but Iā€™m starting to notice some improvement already, so YEAHY!!! :blush:


Iā€™ve actually seen a youtube of someone playing metal music on a acoustic, well, maybe it was a electric w/o full (or any) distortion, I canā€™t remember. But whatever it was, I could actually get into what they were playing. Perhaps itā€™s the growling I canā€™t canā€™t get the feel ofā€¦

Way to go Michael! Canā€™t say I even know what 12th centruy music would sound like, but I can say that in the end, with music, anything goes. Music, imho, is the spice of life!
And thatā€™s good imho.

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this is the song:

I play it fingerstyle with a clean tone close to acoustic. I may fiddle with that style as I improve.

Thank you all! I am definitely going to pick up an electric guitar to enhance my learning. Currently getting to grips with one minute chord changes - not going well so far (9 being my total - still lots of room for improvement). The finger pain is real, but all part of the journey so I donā€™t mind! :star_struck:


@sequences Oh my! Wondering if thatā€™s not music before the 12 notes of modern music became the norm.
Not sure if thatā€™ll help Zoe figure out if she wants a new electric guitar though. :wink:

You should share your guitar rendition of that on a new thread.
Guess thatā€™s about how Iā€™d have thought 12th century music would sound. To me, kinda like church music.
I canā€™t even imagin howā€™d ya play something like that on a guitar.
Iā€™m kinda stuck in '65-'75 rock musicā€¦

Very enlightening. Thanks for the share.

Go for it Zoe! Electric guitar is a heap of fun. Having access to one will likely keep you inspired.
That finger pain will subside.
Iā€™ve been at it for 3-4 years now and while my finger tips donā€™t hurt any more. I can still feel the tips of my fingers of my fretting hand compared to my strumming hand. Now, they just feel like, well, like I play guitarā€¦ :wink:

Great decision on getting a new electric imho.
Now, the next question is gonna be, what are ya gonna get? :slight_smile: The choices seem infinite these daysā€¦ And of course youā€™ll need a amp too. There are gobs of choices there toā€¦
Ah, the fun of playing guitarā€¦

Wait until you start to do bends - that is what killed my fingers!

Bear in mind that the electric guitar is only part of the system. You need to research a little what you want to target for sound. The pickup style (HB vs single) makes some difference and the amp makes a strong difference. There are modeling amps that can cover a lot of sounds and that may be fun or too much to play with depending on your preference. Listen to comparisons online. I recommend using headphones for that to hear the little nuances. Ask here for plenty of opinions. :slight_smile:

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Which, besides being cheaper which was way important for now, I got a small 15 watt amp that has a power button, a lead/clean button and a treble and bass knob, oh and volume knob. Pretty much a set it and forget it setup!

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My personal take is the More the Merrier!!!
I purchased a ā€œfat-fretboardā€ Classical just to aid in finger strength/stretching, only to discover that I really love the mellow sound of nylon strings!!! Even electric to electric of different types (Fender strat vs Gibson vs hollow-body etc) give radically different sounds and feel!!!
Go forth & explore - pick a day when you have plenty of time and have fun!!!
BTW - I used to be intimidated going to a music store because I donā€™t play well enoughā€¦ get someone to help you out or ask other guitar players who come in for help/advice!
Good luck!!! :grin:


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Thatā€™s some good stuff, are you planning on singing, too?

lol, no! fighting cats are more pleasant than my voice. Shame too. I can remember lyrics without thinking about it and recall lyrics of a song I havenā€™t heard in 30 years.

That song is more of a lament, not sacred. It was written by King Richard the Lion-hearted when he was wasting away waiting for people to come up with the ransom asked for his return. He calls folks out by name in that song. :slight_smile:

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I like that old stuff, Iā€™ve got a CD of Gregorian chants and lots of other classical stuff. On of these days Iā€™ll get everything organized, but practice comes first!