Am I being daft?

So I received my Acoustic guitar a few days ago and am going through Beginner Grade 1 now. I have a real urge to add an electric guitar into the mix - would this be recommended at this stage? Could you learn easier on the electric and then transfer those skills to the acoustic?


Simple answer a big fat YES Zoe. I pretty much did that going through Justin’s old Beginners Course and his Intermediate Course. I would learn new stuff on the electric as it was easier with a lower action and lighter strings but as I moved on, I would consolidate all I had learnt on the acoustic. That soon flushed out anything that was not quite right and kept me honest when assessing my abilities. But I would add a properly well set up acoustic is also an imperative regardless if you are learning on one or both.

Hope that helps but your mileage may vary :wink:



I bought one of each when I started earlier this year. I play both and tend to alternate between them .I cant say one is any easier than the other. I actually prefer the acoustic but the electric I can use with headphones and doesnt drive the missus up the wall. :grin:


Hi Zoe,

I’m still a newbie, I follow Justin’s course for about 11 months. I added an electric after I completed 6 months in my learning path. In hindsight I’m so glad about my decision. I now can alternate between both guitars to get the advantages of both worlds. On the electric guitar, it’s easier to learn the technique. E.g. when learning a new chord, getting the fingers into position. With the acoustic guitar, you need a bit more strength to get the notes ringing out - that helps to get the finger strenght.

Things to consider: an acoustic is self containing. You just need picks and that’s it. With an electric you might open up a rabbit hole. At least a decision of which amp to use has to be taken.
Second, the neck on an electric is usually narrower than on a acoustic guitar. In the beginning this can be an issue.

On a personal note, for me it opened up a whole new dimension. I’m so glad I have both.

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Why not? I started on an electric and, a few months later, acquired an acoustic. The electric is relatively easier to play, while the acoustic builds finger strength. I alternate between them quite often.

Why stop at one? :rofl:
Take your time deciding which one to get, but once the seed has been sown, the outcome is a given… :laughing:


Hi Zoe.
One thing I would add is go to the guitar shop and try as many electrics you can and get the one you feel right with and can afford.
Have you had your acoustic set up at all?
I have a old epiphone D someting acoustic and hated it. It was hard to fret, F chord was impossible etc and sounded rank ( last bit MAY have been down to me :sunglasses: )
I bought a MIM fender stat and got interested in setting it up.
Even with my beginner skills it made it better so I had a go at the Ephiphone.
It was very cheap when I got it several years ago so if I bust it , no big deal.
However, it made a world of differance to it.
I set the truss rod, intonation and string slots in nut. and now its sounds like a different guitar.
I had my Les Paul set up professionally ( to expensive to risk me messing with it ) and it did’nt cost the earth.
A “bad” guitar can put you off playing, learning etc.
As Brain says " why stop at one ? :grinning:
Good luck with your guitar journey.


P.S. I now have 4.

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seeing as like 80% of guitars become coat racks or put in a closet for life after 6 months, I would save your money until you are definitely sure you are going to pursue.

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Yes, mine became a very expensive ornament that sat “staged” in the background in my living room for pics :neutral_face: I finally picked it back up and now that’s all I do in my spare time. The commitment definitely has to be there. Spending upwards of $700 dollars on an adult toy is kind of silly…unless it’s a Mustang or a Corvette (which cost way more but are worthy adult toys and ornaments)…LOL!

I finally had to stop with the sporty cars. Got rid of my Mustang because age was making it too hard to get in and out of a car that low. It’s a Jeep Wrangler for me now.

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Well, I hear it. I’m not there, yet. I drive American Muscle, that is all! Gonna play American Muscle, too…LOL!

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: just have to shake your head sometimes. bless your heart :laughing:

I remember when I started Justin’s course, right near the beginning he said he recommends learning on electric.

So I went out and bought an electric in the 2-3 weeks of playing (I had been using an old acoustic).


ummm…not sure if you are “shaking your head” at me or not. Cowboy chords are a real thing…gonna leave it at that. Maybe you are shaking your head in respect of a genre. My heart does not need blessing…I’m not from that part of the U.S. We state our insults plainly.

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For sure Zoe, get an electric too.

I started on acoustic only at around age 10. A non playable acoustic at that. This was for sure a detriment to learning to play guitar. A few years later I got my first electric. This felt much easier to play. And that electric wasn’t the greatest guitar either, but it was better than my original acoustic.

A few years after that I got a 12 string acoustic. I was 16 by that point.
This was my main guitar for decades. I can’t remember what happened to the electric. It just sorta vanished from my memory.

One thing I’ll say about acoustic is that I do think they are less forgiving for playing them than an electric is. I don’t know why that is, but I just feel that way. Perhaps it’s because the electrics likely have lower action and thinner strings, hence easier to play.

So imho, keep your acoustic and keep playing it. But do get an electric. You’ll have all kinds of fun with the electric. While not only easier to play imho, ya can get so many tones with the electric.
The electric may also be inspiring for you to continue to play too. Inspiration is good I think.
fwiw, if ya can play whatever on a acoustic, ya can likely play it better on a electric. :wink:
So do have both, but do alternate between the two also. This also gets you used to playing with a different set up for the guitar. The variation imho helps get you used to playing slightly different to compensate for a different guitar.

Do be aware, getting an elec. will likely get you close to the rabbit hole. Ya go down the rabbit hole, you’ll have all kinds of guitars and amps sitting around the house.
This is good!

Have fun and keep on jammin!
Diversity is the spice of life… probably.


Hi Zoe, so just so I’m clear you’re asking a passionate guitar community if we think you should buy another guitar? :rofl:

On a serious note, I’d say yes, I went the other way and started “properly” with an electric before adding an acoustic and they do complement each other really well in the journey both for practice (electric is “easier” to play") and for your evolving repertoire.

Go for it and enjoy the experience of selecting options, trying out and loving a new instrument!!


Well, you really can’t go wrong. I started with acoustic. Within a month I had an electric.

I agree the electric has learning advantages. But not significant ones, as long as your acoustic is set up well.

Now I am back to acoustic, steel and nylon. But I kept an electric. They sure are fun.

I am a rabbit hole guy and one problem I was having with electric was that I got so into what the amps and modeling can do that I was not practicing enough guitar! Be careful!

Remember if it sounds good…it will sound better if you have more guitars.

Oh, I meant to ask, are there any muscle (or other ) cars that are completely made in America any more? Assembled, sure, but all parts made? Same with electric guitars.

Wondering, why you feel it’s proper to start w/ electric?

With electric ya got all these tones to play with. Especially if ya get a modeling amp or a guitar processor. Much time can be spent adjusting (twiddling knobs) your sound with an electric. Less time spent playing your guitar.
Ya start with acoustic, ya focus on playing, not finding just the right tone to play.
And for me, finding the right tone on an electric can be very time consuming and sometimes most elusive, imho.

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Ah slight misinterpretation with my wording there Jim. I mean properly in terms of me learning, not that using an electric is the proper way to start learning!!