Am I the only one who dislikes the sound of the metronome?

I really don’t want to sound whiny and annoying, but the sound of Justin Guitar’s metronome in the practice section of the website compared to other metronomes from places like google, ultimate guitar, etc. Is very obnoxious. The sound of the metronome on the website sounds like a fire alarm, or a smoke detector. I really don’t like using it, and you may be thinking (If he doesn’t like it why doesn’t he just use the ones he said he liked?) Well the truth is I like having my metronome right there where I can see the notes I laid out on the website, as well as how much time I have left in the practice. Like everything in one place, so switching back and fourth tabs every time I want to look at notes, see how much time I have left, or change tempos is very annoying. And sometimes I use the website on my phone, and when closing the website to open another app/website, the timer stops completely. Also I love this website and I think it’s amazing, all the work Justin and his team does for free, I love the fact that any young kid with his Dad’s old guitar can have structured lessons right away. So I want to give feedback on things so this website can grow in quality. Anyways let me know if you feel the same. Thanks for reading my wall of whininess



Nope, you’re not the only one; I hate the bl##dy things! I always use a drum track for initial learning followed by a backing track.

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Hi @DarrellW
Now you have tagged Douglas with your swearing :rofl: :joy: :rofl:



Darrell’s post may be the first one Douglas reads :smiley:


@roger_holland @Socio
That’s weird, didn’t do it deliberately :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hello there :wave: I don’t use the metronome on the website so I can’t tell. I use Justin’s TimeTrainer App, it’s very cheap and useful. I suggest you have a look at it on the playstore and download it on your smartphone. Also you can change the sound of the click and choose the one you like best. I took a screenshot of how you can change the sound from the setting options. Hope it helps :blush:

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Thank you, I’ll look into it!

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I knew that such topic was created before. Who needs to be tagged from JG staff to pass it to website developers? I think it’s a quick and easy fix that’ll make Practice Assistant even better.