An Amazing Musician!

I just returned from a cruise( Viking Eastern Seaboard Explorer ), and they had an amazing musician on board for 2 performances, and a Q&A session. Paolo Schianchi. He was fantastic. For the performances he played a a 6 string guitar, and a two neck( 6 and 12 ) guitar. Has anybody else heard him? He didn’t have this with him, but he’s invented a 49 string instrument, 3 guitar necks, plus some additional strings on the guitar body.

He mentioned he’s doing a tour in the US( currently lives in Washington DC ). I found one date( 11/25 ) in Indiana, but nothing else.

Here’s a link to a YouTube video of him doing a tribute to Jimi Hendrix, using that 49 string instrument for part of it:


I really enjoyed that, though I couldn’t pick out any Hendrix till the end. And, hey finger puppets!