Anchor - Mindy Gledhill AVOYP

I remember way back when I started playing, I wasn’t able to play and sing at the same time. Keep up the good work, your doing great

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Hello Constance, and thanks a lot for sharing your recording with us. It was a very enjoyable listen :smiling_face:. So well done for only playing a few months :clap::clap::clap:. And your voice is beautiful :blush:.
I’ve never heard this song before, but it’s a very nice one. Is it a waltz? (Coming from Austria, I seem to be sensitive for this kind of rhythm :sweat_smile:.)

I also thank you for your honesty, and for not cutting away the first part of your video. It’s so authentic. It simply shows the way it is. And I very much enjoyed your satisfied face after finishing the song :smiley:.

Keep up the good work :+1:.

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@spindlefly Thank you John :slight_smile:

Hi Nicole, thank you :slight_smile: I think it’s technically in 6/8, but I feel like that counts as a waltz because you still get the PUM-pum-pum three note structure, even though in the Music Theory course Justin says 3/4 is a waltz because each ‘pum’ is stressed equally. You could totally waltz to it.

I did notice the face when I watched it back. I couldn’t cut the video before it, but I thought it looked a little too satisfied given there were still mistakes lol. But, I spent like three hours yesterday evening before that final take, singing and playing over and over. So that’s probably also relief to be done!

As a result, today my speaking voice has been very soft and less-employed than usual, lol.

Here is the original song, it’s on the piano and has different chords than the simple ones I used. I got mine by googling the song and tabs, so maybe down the track when I’ve got more experience with the instrument and music theory, I might see if I can transcribe the original and get something closer to that melody. It would be more chord changes and maybe more picking, I’m not sure.


Oh no, Constance, that smile was well deserved :+1:. We will probabably never play perfectly. And I also don’t think, that that’s the goal. Most mistakes won’t even be recognized by the audience.
But it was totally obvious, that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into this song. So yes, partly it might be relief, but on the other side you can really be proud of what you’ve reached so far :+1:.

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You have a lovely voice Constance, and your playing is impressive with you still being in your first year.
And, you pulled yourself together to perform it to the camera as well … Bravissima :clap: :clap: :clap:
The “pep talk” made me smile, and good for you for leaving it in. For me I would need too edit out, just in case children might be in earshot … :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Don’t know what your setup is but it would be worth trying different mic positions; a mic position with your head closer than the guitar. BUT, don’t waste precious practise time on it !
At this stage it is not that important, and definitely not worth spending money on.
Looking forward to your first JGC VOM … no rush … in your own time.
Keep it fun … :sunglasses:

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Congratulations on your first upload in AVOYP. That was very impressive performance for not even a full year! Picking, strumming and singing at the same time is very challenging, you did great. And such a beautiful voice!

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Wow, that’s really impressive for how long you’ve been playing. I can tell that you’ve had some vocal experience in more serious music, it’s going to make it easier for you to choose the sort of songs to learn.
Your playing is solid, no real problem there, you’ll be able to add some embellishments later on that will make it sound even better, keep it up, excellent so far!

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@Boris1565 @Elixir1253

Thank you all :slight_smile:

Elixir, I wisely did not upload the dozens of previous attempts where I creatively substituted the lyrics with “french” after repeated stuff-ups :face_with_hand_over_mouth:… I’m currently set up with a webcam with a built-in mic, so it’s I guess a metre and a bit away. Getting gear is probably a bit of a while away, got a lot of skill stuff to work on still. Is VOM video open mic? Aptly named for anyone with stage-fright if so!

Darrell, I was in school choirs in primary school so it’s been a while, but I guess the muscles must already have an idea of what they need to achieve to some level, it’s definitely helping!

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Terrific debut AVoYP CC. You’ve done really well to reach that standard in the time you’ve been learning. Playing and singing together is not easy in the early stages.
Well done and I look forward to more from you in the future

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Thank you Gordon. :slight_smile:

Hi Constance ( I choose that one as I have never met a Constance before and it sounds nice).

Wow that was really great , approx 9 months of guitar and your are singing and playing so good :+1:

Nice strumming technique , I just tried it myself to play along with you but you did the alternating bass more consistently than me :wink: I noticed your chord fingerings are very clean, no buzz, close to the frets - this is a great foundation. And you threw in a couple of little embellishments while singing this is great progress so early in your guitar journey.
Lovely singing also :clap:

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Thank you Eric :slight_smile:

The alternate strumming was a bit finicky to get down, I did still muck it up a couple of times in that recording. What really got me was changing to that Cadd9 from the little run from the E minor, and trying to hit the right string on the run from the Cadd9 back to the D. Felt good when I started getting it more often than not! Appreciate the feedback. :slight_smile:

It is always interesting to me how we all notice something we mucked up but mostly the audience does not. I never noticed what you think was wrong and I am not going to rewatch for any mistakes now because they were clearly not significant enough to deter from my enjoyment of the performance.

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A complete pleasure to listen to, Mindy - voice and playing!
And great progress in such a short time.

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Sorry - I meant Constance.

Heh, no worries Dave, thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:

Sorry about your dog’s nose. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Such a beautiful vocal tone. It seems you have a wide vocal range. Your playing looked spot on to me. I enjoyed the song and the lyrics. Your practice and learning process seems to be moving right along smoothly. Well done, Constance!

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Thank you Pamela :slight_smile: