AndrewAntipodes - Original songs

cool, go a Zappa vibe from it!

That was an impressive production Andrew. Had a late 90’s feel to it. Nice job!

@Eddie_09 Ah! The 90s Brit Rock - take us back there, please!

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When everything was cooler Andrew!!

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You kept this little gem to yourself too long. We shoulda gigged with it! Love this Andrew.

Sounds great, Andrew, really enjoyed it. I am not too into 90s Brit Rock but I got a slight taste of REM … please take that as a compliment.

Good to have you (and @Knee_Wobbler) join us here. I look forward to you sharing more of the music you continue to produce and sharing your experience with others here, either learning and sharing covers or the few that are producing original songs.

Hello Andrew, congratulations on this great production :clap::+1::star_struck:!!
I feel deep respect for everybody who is able to put a multi-intrumental and multi-layered tune together. Especially, if it’s sounding that nice :blush:.
Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.

Like this a lot Andrew, really nice production and very cool tune :slight_smile:

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Gigging - what’s that?

@DavidP Def taking R.E.M. as a compliment! “That’s me in the corner…”

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@NicoleKKB Thanks so much! I am relatively new at the home recording and mixing caper, and I find the creation and arranging of tracks to be almost as rewarding as writing the song itself! Never too old to learn!


Great mantra :smiley:!

This song ‘Kinda funny’ was written for the challenge “write a song in a minor key” (3 of us meet regularly to reveal our songwriting response to a challenge set by one of us). The opening line of this song was borrowed from internet humour I read years ago (how to write a blues song), which in turn inspired the development of the story in the lyrics.

Kinda funny - Lyrics:

I shot a blind dog down in Memphis, ‘cos he looked at me the wrong way
Let that be a cautionary tale if you disrespectin’ what I say

The irony hasn’t escaped me none, that I’d take offense to a mongrel so blind
But I gotta kinda funny feeling in my waters that he’d snitch my britches from behind

I been months on the road without a bath, I been chaffin’ up really fierce
My solitude’s proven quite handy in those moments of ointment and beers

As I lay me down to get me some shut-eye, I felt a hot, rank breath on the back of my neck
Through one opened eye identify the mutt so determined to join my trek

Even though I like only one log beside the fire
This old mate is one dog that never tires
Always inspires, follows me higher and higher


His eyes are rot, his sense of smell is not, he caught a whiff of the danger right on the spot
And he guided me up to safety and our hunter fell with just one shot

I feel rather shameful I treated him bad at first
He must have known I was living like I was cursed
Thinking the worst, but waiting to be inspired

Even though I like only one log beside the fire
This old mate is one dog that never tires
Always inspires, follows me higher and higher

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Intro: Andrew of the Antipodes

Cool stuff, Andrew! :smiley:

Two nice tunes you got there. I liked the first one a little more, probably because I relate to this kind of pondering. :smiley: Nice groove going on for both. I enjoyed the listen! :slight_smile:

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You stand tall
Here’s a new song I finished last week ‘You stand tall’.

Written in 2016 and recorded and arranged in August 2023, about standing up to life’s challenges, in spite of feeling inadequate and like you’re ‘faking it’.

Hi Andrew,
Very enjoyable listen. 3 different sounding tunes. I imagine quite a bit of time and effort went into their production.
Enjoyed your lyrics, particularly the line ‘I’ll blame my pre-frontal cortex for its lethargy’
After listening to ‘while my coffee goes cold’ I had to go listen to some ELO - not sure if my pre-frontal cortex is responsible for this.
Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes,

Thanks @Alan_1970 . I think I can safely say the line from my song you have quoted has never appeared in song before! :grinning:

ELO have been a strong influence for me, as have The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Blur, Jack Johnson and Thirsty Merc.

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A great collection of song Andrew. All well played and sung. I enjoyed Kinda funny, it made me laugh out loud.

@SgtColon Thanks Stefan! That song (Kinda funny) was a rare instance for me where the lyrics flowed and formed a good story. It was in response to the songwriting challenge ‘Write a song in a minor key’, and I think words and music work well together in that song. Normally, I get frustrated with writing lyrics because they don’t always come easily and my baseline view is that words are mostly a vehicle for the music.

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