A couple months ago my daughter asked if she could start learning guitar, so we bought her one and signed her up for lessons. I picked it up a few times and really enjoyed myself, so I bought my own and downloaded Justin’s app. I’m having a lot of fun! Not sure what I’m going to do when the two grades run out on the app. I suppose at that point I’ll give up?
Enjoying reading about everyone’s journey - thanks for sharing!
Hi Andy! No need to give up when the two grades run out on the app, because the grades continue for free on the JustinGuitar website, they just have not been integrated into the app yet. (Just google JustinGuitar and you’ll find the website, with all of the beginner and intermediate grades there).
Even once you have to follow the courses on the website, you’ll find the app very valuable, because of the song library to play along with, and of course, the one minute change practice you can track on the app.
Personally, even though there is a score of other lessons available for free on the website, I will be parking at the end of Grade 1 for a bit to really solidify my chord changes thus far and feel confident before I enter grade 2. I play a few songs on the song app daily that I like, and that help me solidify the chords I need work on, and I use the one minute change record to keep track of my progress
Wonderful that both you and your daughter are learning. In time playing music with your daughter can become something to be treasured.
If you are already having fun, than I anticipate that you will be having so much fun by the time you complete Grade 2 that you will naturally hop over to the website and continue the adventure.
Hi! Great to hear your journey as well! Others have recommended thay you use the website and I really back this. You can make your own practice routine in your account (a bit like what Justin has done for us in the app) and the website is so easy to use: very clearly laid out and easy to find what you need. All the best and have a happy guitar new year!
HI Andy and a warm welcome to the community. It’s great that you picked up the guitar with your daughter. What a way to have some father/daughter bonding. And as many above have mentioned, the website has a continuation of the course and offers some features such as the tailorable practice routine that’s not in the app. While the app has a solid practice routine, the one on the website allows you to tailor it by adding and removing practice items so you can focus on those items you want to work on. A lot of use the app and the website in tandem.
Take your time and enjoy the journey. What to do after you finish the two grades in the app? Well, first have a celebration for yourself! It’s an accomplishment worthy of celebration.