Another amazing experience I wouldn't have before I started learning guitar

Just got back from another of our club’s Spring Gully camping weekends.

Here’s a video I posted from a previous one to give you an idea of what they are like

If I hadn’t picked up the guitar and stuck with it, I’d never be able to attend something like this. Which means a thanks to Justin is in order as Justin Guitar made a huge difference in my progression over the last decade.

Part of my rationale for posting this is to give the newbie’s encouragement to not just hang in there, but to be more dedicated to practice and progress because the reward you get is so very AMAZING.

This past weekend had a real magic to it. We had a total of 61 people all gathered to share their music. The theme was “Lady and the Tramp” and the costumes and antics along that were great.

The jams went on for hours and were very enthusiastically participated in with loud singing and pure joy on everyone’s faces.

In times past we’ve had very large jams where just about everyone joined in the same jam. This time the jams were smaller and on friday and saturday nights they seemed to end up in 3 distinct groups.

Life as a musician is just amazing and if a very ordinary guy like me can do it, after years of thinking I didn’t have the ability, you all can do it too.