Another Dutchie joined! Hello, I'm Ruud

Hi there, just wanted to introduce myself. I am Ruud from the Netherlands.
Last February I finally started learning how to play an instrument. Because the guitar is my favorite when listening to music, the choice which instrument was easy. And although considered by some as an old dog, I just turned 54, there is already quite some progress.

Following a more traditional internet course resulted in a solid base, but wanting to play somgs I really like made me decide to give Justin a go. My current level is grade 2/3.

My favorite way of playing is fingerstyle. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to explore other styles.

My guitars are a Tanglewood Crossroads-O, a Stratocaster which I rebuilt and a Spanish Telesforo Julve guitar from 1957 which belonged to my dad. So yeah, I should have all the tools for checking out a lot of styles.


Hey welcome! About same age as you, and its great to be learning!

welcome tot the forum Ruud

Welcome Ruud. You’ve come to the right place. Looking forward to hearing you play

Good to have you here, now…


Hello Ruud & Welcome to the Community!
Have loads of FUN & enjoy the journey!


Welcome Ruud! Nice to meet you.



Hey Ruud welcome to the forum. I started playing 11 1/2 years ago when I was 53 years old. And fingerstyle was my only interest at that stage. Now I’ve done over 100 open mic performance and play many songs. It’s such a great reward for the effort required. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Dag Ruud and welcome.

Hello Ruud and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

How nice to own an instrument that belonged to your dad.

Hoi Ruud,
Welkom hier and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
In such a short time and already at level 2/3 … then you go super fast :sunglasses:, but with some consolidation every now and then your technique (vingers) will be very happy and thank you later :smile:
If you are doing so well, we can expect an AVOYP :smiley:(video) from you soon, and if not do it for only for yourself for a critical look at yourself… have fun with your trip :sunglasses:


Hello Ruud, so nice to meet you :hugs:!
Fingerstyle is also my favourite technique. Definitely not easy - but sounds so good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

I wish you a wonderful guitar journey. Have fun :smiley:!

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Hi Ruud, Welcome onboard good that you have found Justin’s community and said high.
Good luck with your learning journey :slight_smile:

Hi Ruud,
Nice to meet you.
Good luck with the guitar learning journey.
Best wishes,

Hi Ruud
Welcome! Nice to meet you :hugs:
Fingerstyle is my favourite too, but also do like playing other styles :smiley:
Love your guitar collection! (maybe you could also post some pics) so sweet that you have a guitar that was your Dad’s
p.s. I’m definitely not one of the some that considers 54 an ‘old dog’ :laughing:

Welcome Ruud.

Hi Ruud, Welcome to the community.