For the most part I resolved issues I used to have with being unable to hold on to picks while strumming an entire song. I re-watched Justin’s lesson on holding on to the pick and for the most part that resolved the issue. I also though, picked up some tri-tip picks from Stringjoy. I still hold the pick as instructed but having this shape pick that is a bit larger, makes holding the pick even easier. I still use the smaller traditional shape picks so I maintain that ability but given a choice I would simply choose the larger triangular shaped pick. Is it a bad habit to get into? Curious if anyone else has tried them.
No shame at all Steve you play with whatever you are comfortable with there is a lot of them out there so they must be popular mate cheers Hec
I think there are nearly as many pick preferences as there are guitar players. If it works for you, that’s what you should use.
I use 3 tip leather picks or picks from Bogstreet, when I do use them. I usually prefer finger style. I had nerve damage, that left my right index finger without some of it’s feeling, a year before picking up the guitar. It made controlling a pick difficult. Others might have other physical that require adaptation. I figure that what ever works the best for you is an appropriate decision. It’s the music that counts.
thank you @markr31 @TheCluelessLuthier @DeltaTyne Greatly appreciate. Will use the tri-tip with pride now ! Makes sense as more focus can go into the song or skill I’m working on rather than the focus on holding onto the pick. Thanks again.
I’ve been using a triangle pick for a few months now. The only complaint that I have about them is that you can’t get them with pointy tips (for obvious geometrical reasons). I sometimes like a pointy pick for a different sound, and in those cases I have to switch back to the mono-tip picks, which feel quite different as they have less gripping area.
Interesting. I’ve never looked at the pointedness but I do understand and appreciate that it would give a different sound. Stringjoy picks seem to be about the same pointedness as my smaller picks. The larger gripping area definitely is what helps me hold better.