Aphantasiacs Unite

All our brains store visual memories.
Think of it: If we didnā€™t have the visual memory already in our brain, every time you saw your partner, dog, house etc. it would be like seeing a stranger for the first time (This does exist)
What youā€™re talking about here is the extent we can recall them (on demand). For some itā€™s natural, for some nigh impossible. Many of us can train our brains to get better at certain activities (including visualization) with focused practice.


@JokuMuu Nicole, itā€™s fascinating to read about your association of objects or sounds with colour and aroma. Iā€™ve heard about that ability before but it doesnā€™t resonate with me at all.

My visualisation is about everything learning guitar, not just scale patterns.
Iā€™m not a singer so learning lyrics isnā€™t top of my list. The melody of the lyrics is important though.

Good point Brian @brianlarsen , Iā€™ve been wondering if some peoples visualisation could be improved with practice, although I have no idea how someone with Aphantasia would get started with it.

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This is fascinating. I had heard somewhere that we (generally, I guess) cannot imagine smells, like we can with sights or sounds. I know what bacon smells like, and if I try to imagine it, I can see the bacon in the pan and I can hear it crackling, but I canā€™t smell it in my mind.


Certainly associating colours and sounds with smells is the hardest to wrap my head around. I can at least imagine what it must be like to have a clear picture in your mind even I donā€™t really experience that. I guess anyone that has it strongly must have some really awkward moments in life when they are repulsed by something and no one else understands what is going on!
As someone who rarely sees images it is an interesting question wondering if with practice itā€™s a trainable skill or if in reality weā€™re better off accepting it and learning via different methods. It possibly depends whether itā€™s something hardwired in the brain or not as to how ā€œfixableā€ it is.

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Hi Nicole,
Errr :flushed:, I donā€™t see how that could help meā€¦and as mentioned earlier, I have no problem with this and am therefore not looking for new ways of learningā€¦ I had already found solutions for it :sweat_smile:, although I donā€™t think I can (I think) explain it properly ā€¦

and @Helen0609 The funny thing remains that Justin, who only recently knew it himself and I only knew it because of the conversation I had with him in his lessons, says imagine in your head on the train or before going to sleep your fretboard of your favorite guitar for ā€¦ and the fact that I didnā€™t succeed made me a bit unsure whether I would learn it about 3 and a half years ago ā€¦ so I now realize that I am actually very happy that I did this Now I knowā€¦ the man who gave me that insecure feeling has fortunately also solved it (without knowing)ā€¦

Edit: the errr :flushed: is because I often mix up the names of colors when I see them and have to say them (this is the simple abbreviated explanation)


and donā€™t forget to check it out Adi`s commentā€¦
reactions to the colors

The only thing I mean besides a good laugh at/with @adi_mrok :joy:ā€¦ is that the idea of ā€‹ā€‹colors is being tried outā€¦ maybe it will be of some use to youā€¦ in any case it made me very happy again.


What is this? :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Iā€™m intrigued. Reminds me, bruised left arm meansā€¦ PMT learning is on.


This, @roger_holland, led me down a very deep rabbit :rabbit2: :hole:


we re all built differently
there are different types of memory and weā€™re not all using the same memory
some people use the photographic memory , others , the " ear " memory , others will be smells and the re must be a memory linked to the touch too etc etc

what works for some people might not work for others because we do not use the same memory !
someone with an " ear " memory or photographic memory shouldn t try to use the " color " technic because their brain won t understand it

This thread has really caught my attention. So most people can actually see objects or events in their minds, even with their eyes closed or open?! I had no clue that was possible. Iā€™ve never heard of it. I evidently have Aphantasia then, since I donā€™t see things like that.

Only, as I have aged, some nights, between being asleep and awake, I see what I first thought were spiders in my bed. Or I see large, dark, floating
blobs. But thatā€™s different. I canā€™t see visuals in my mind. I do dream and can recall some of what I saw in the dreams. I can imagine. I can follow the story in a book and imagine the story, but I canā€™t see it. I guess thatā€™s why I love movies. The visual is right there.

Iā€™ve always wondered why some people can memorize and retain so much and so easily where I canā€™t. Is it because they can see it in their minds? Probably not. I know Justin has good memory skills.

But either way, Iā€™m still plugging along with my guitar. Slowly but surely.


I can remember it in my mind but canā€™t see it like I can see a dream.

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I caught that and was so fascinated by it.

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This was one of the reasons that I enjoy video games. It is a way for my brain to focus on something than going over and over the day at work.

Now I have found guitar, that does the same, overloading my brain with focus on playing stops other thoughts.

I think it is just a different way of memorizing. I think I depend on a lot of repetition, writing it down does help to get things into memoryā€¦

I have great recall for some things, numbers and work details, and much less so for trips I have been on or things I did as a kid. So itā€™s like my brain prioritizes some things over others. With appropriate prompts I can begin rebuilding memories of holidays or things that happened as a child.

So this thread is working like therapy for me, and I am going to change something about my guitar learning as a consequence. If I write things down, that helps me remember, but for the most part I am not diligent in writing out guitar things. I do have a book, but other than music theory I rarely use it. However I am going to try writing out chord diagrams etc. If I do things on a computer that doesnā€™t aid the memory.

I have written out the lyrics to songs and that has helped me memorize them. This is something that I am going to start doing more. I have been trying to use songbook pro, but I think I need to use that as a memory jogger and writing out the lyrics as part of the learning process.
In fact writing out @LievenDV 's song overview sheet is something that I am going to work on doing to see if the physical transferring of information to paper through my own hand may help. Iā€™m off to find the templates.


Same here, writing stuff down has always worked for me. My main method of revision for school exams was basically writing my notes out again. I lose focus/interest if I just read and typing isnā€™t the same. I can get away with drawing on the screen of my iPad with Apple Pencil thingy which is my preferred way at the moment as I donā€™t have loads of notebooks lying around and thereā€™s not loads of things crossed out :joy:
Last year I re-taught myself to solve a Rubikā€™s cube (Iā€™ve since forgotten again as I didnā€™t keep it up). Some people can probably visualise where the pieces are going but I just memorised some series of moves by repetition (eg front, left, front anti, right etc)

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not for me ā€¦ i don t have a photographic memory and writing is just a pain in the ***
Listening was enough for me

what works for some do not work for others ā€¦

so you have a photographic memory

I can learn lyrics after only hearing a song once or twice
The new Gossip song is already an ear worm :rofl:

So question for the aphantasiacs (completely unrelated to music, but something I was thinking about when mentally ā€˜chewingā€™ on this)ā€¦is doodling not really a thing for you?

Sitting in class as a kid (or even in conferences as an adult), Iā€™d doodle all over the margins of my paper - mostly animals when I was a kid, often imagined geometric designs these days, but really flowers, plants, whatever comes to mind. If you were to do the same, would it have to be drawings of objects/people in the room that you can see?

My doodles were always just a mixture of random squiggles and shapes. If they did include things like trees then theyā€™d be cartoon type trees rather than an actual tree.
I always found I could copy a 2d image from a book cover quite well but wasnā€™t so good at 3d objects and people although I couldnā€™t say whether aphantasia has anything to do with that. I certainly couldnā€™t draw a person from memory and even something like a picture of the front of my house that I see every day would be basic because I know where the doors and windows are

There s nothing wrong with cartoon trees :open_mouth:



I still draw like Picasso in kindergartenā€¦unlike my wife who also sees black when she closes her eyesā€¦ She paints quite a lotā€¦but not from out the imagination her headā€¦

If I were to start doing this, even tracing paper wouldnā€™t help me

so so true :grin:

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