App songs limited overlap with Justin's lessons

Hi Folks,
I just got the lessons and songs app, and I’ve started using it a bit. Previously I’ve been using the website for my lessons, and I will probably keep doing that, but I wanted the app for the ‘play along’ function, which I hope will help me keep better time, and learn the songs faster.

My question/comment: there are 1400+ songs on the app, and 750 Justin song lessons on the website, but using the filters on the website I see only 200 or so of the lesson songs are on the app. Is this correct? I was really hoping for more. It seems like these songs should be a high priority for addition, since Justin is using them to teach us (at least some of them).

Does this make sense, or am I missing something?


I think there used to be a lot more but…

Musopia lost licences on a lot of songs recently, a lot of licence holders pulled permission to go exclusively with another app or something and there are only so many song lessons Justin can do…

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Hello @al_in_sc ! Yes this is true. The app is really a beginner’s app and eventually you will want to break away from the app. But to start off with right till about the end of grade 2 you can put that to good use! Really nice to be able to slow the tempo down.

However this is a beginner’s app and as such Justin has simplified alot of the chords. You will start to notice that the chords don’t always match up.compared to how they are “actually” played. Still the same key, sound and excellent practice! Non the less. Alot of rave on this.

The down side. You are using visual cues to help you get to the next chord. In the end you want to memorize this. With the app it can tend to slow that process down. But the pluses far out weigh the down and I would suggest that you do get it. Especially in the beginning stages. And let’s be honest with ourselves, there must be a few songs in those 200 I want to play, you probably don’t want more than 10 songs to get to know really well in the end anyways in these beginning stages.

I still have it for now. Good for backing tracks for beginning stages. I always go for the actual song once I know the strumming pattern and changes well enough to keep pace. I will be honest though. I rarely use the app anymore and wil not be subscribing next time. So in time, you probably won’t either

Rock on!


Rob and Darren,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. There are for sure plenty of songs on the app I want to play.

I’m right now trying to consolidate grade 2, so maybe I’m not in the ‘prime target audience’ for the app. I don’t really need the visual clues to help me change chords on a simple/moderate song after little practice, but I do have a persistent problem keeping good time, which I think the app will help me with. It’s a lot easier to deal with than just Music when I’m working on something.

Also, I can see the app helping me widen out my song lists, as I see beginner versions of songs I’ve liked, but never attempted before. Like most music from after 1999. :slight_smile:


Hi Al,
We seem to be having similar experiences: I’m consolidating grade 2, and like you don’t use the app as much as I used to and probably won’t renew. I’m also having difficulty keeping time - oddly enough, it seems especially difficult when I’m slowing down a song to learn it. I speed up as I play (because that’s how the song is going in my head, I suppose) AND mess up the strumming. I’ve recently been relying heavily on Justin’s Time Trainer app (on iOS - don’t know if it’s available for Android). It hasn’t been updated in a long time, but it works great and is more than I need. I recall it being very inexpensive - less than $10, I believe. There are plenty of metronome apps out there, but (assuming it’s still available!) if you want to support Justin this is a good way to go!

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