Applying percussive strumming The song is by Pavlos Sideropoulos, one of Greece’s legendary rockers who overdosed and died in the early 90s. A good translation of the title would be Laidback Bobby, who would reply to anything, “It’s all pointless…” A very nihilistic song! But I like it!


Well performed song, James, and a smooth start to making use of the percussive strumming. I like that you have a smooth action for the percussive strumming. As you continue I suggest working on the attack, making it a little heavier to make the percussive hit a little more pronounced.

I happened to notice your pinky, how it sticks up really straight throughout. That may be just an anatomical thing, but if not, I suggest trying to curl it a little while keeping it controlled as you are ie not flying around between chords. The reason being that it will more naturally be usable to add embellishments, like the Dsus4 chord.

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Nicely performed James and a good start into percussive strumming, consistency is so hard to achieve with it.

I am very much not familiar with the song but it all felt a little hurried to me, albeit I appreciate it’s a high tempo song. I wonder if it could clean up a little with a bit more time playing it at a slowed tempo?

Very enjoyable so please take this comment in the spirit intended :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the comment. After listening to the song I noticed that I do speed up a bit. You are absolutely correct in your observation! I wish my sense of timing was as good!

Thanks si much David! I have been struggling with this song for the longest time. In its original version it’s a rock song ( Im attaching the link in case you want to hear it. If Pavlou Sidiropoulos were singing in English he’d be in the pantheon of rockers. The opening riff is iconic in Greek rock. Forgive me for my digression! I’ll work on it more and repost once it’s better!

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An enjoyable song James and some great advice there from David.

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I like it. The only Greek music I’ve heard before is a couple of albums by a Canadian band, The Rembetika Hipsters that I picked up on holiday in Crete about 12 years ago.

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Thanks for your support and encouragement! Sounds advice which I immediately followed!

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Thanks! I’ll check out those hipsters!