Arpeggios (how / why / which / when) video lesson won't play on the site or on youtube - please help

This video lesson wonā€™t play. I keep getting the same error message.

Plays ok for me

Clear your browser cacheā€¦

Must be something at my end then. Iā€™ve no idea what though because other lessons play ok!

Thanks Shane, Iā€™ll try that later, gotta pop out now.

Iā€™ve cleared browser history, Iā€™ve tried private browser window but this video still comes up with an error.
Iā€™ve tried a random handful of other video lessons and they are all fine.

Can anyone help (@Richard_close2u )

Quick check it works for me just fine.

Did the ā€œLearn Moreā€ link in the error window provide any clues?

No it didnā€™t.
The advice there is to clear browser history and any add blockers.
Iā€™ve cleared my browser and I donā€™t have any add blockers.
It has me flummoxed. Others say the video works fine, which suggests something wrong at my endā€¦but at my end, all other vids are fine, which suggests something wrong with this video. Am stuck!

Does it work if you try it directly from YT?

Oh, thatā€™s weird. Itā€™s clearly YT that doesnā€™t want you to see it. How about if you go to YT and search for " How to Play Arpeggios?"

Iā€™ve tried that but it still doesnā€™t work. I donā€™t get an error message on YT though, just a never ending whirlywheel.
A random select of the videos in the feed below all work!

tagging @FannyJustinGuitar @larynejg

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I blame Don Henley.

Where are you located? It could be a regional block in which case you could use a VPN.

Have you tried on multiple devices? PC, phone, tablet? If all of them give the error then it is WiFi/internet. In which case ty turning off WiFi on your phone and try over cellular.

Thanks Craig.
I donā€™t have any other devices - just my phone.
This video wonā€™t run on either Wi-Fi or 4G. It just seems to be this particular video, all others are fine, which makes me wonder if there are some different settings on it.
Maybe the JG team will find something.