Ashu - BLIM course before & after

I was near the end of BG3 when I started BLIM last year. I didn’t know a single blues lick except the one from the blues lick-and-riff class in Grade 3, but that was in E, and I had no idea how to adapt it to the key of A used in BLIM, and for this before video. So, I tried to play along to the feel and rhythm of the track with whatever pentatonic pattern 1 notes appealed in the moment.

And this is my ‘after’ video. After a few takes where I tried to be ‘as good as I can be right now’ and stopped after a mistake, I realized I was just stressing myself out :slight_smile: and it was enough to record my ‘current baseline’ on this long guitar journey and tried to maneuver around and past mistakes.

Let me know what you think!

BLIM was awesome. If you like the blues or blues adjacent music, do check it out, it’s definitely worth the investment of time and money!


Very cool before and after mate.

Being able to jam along to stuff like this is an aspiration of mine. I’ve been eyeing off the BLIM course.


Hi Ashu ,
What a wonderful change you have gone through :sunglasses: :clap:, it is a difference between day and night…Blim has brought you a lot, what a good foundation to build on…congratulations :smiley:

A few seagulls still need to be shot here and there, :laughing: but celebrate what you have already achieved in that short time … :smiley:



Amazing change Ashu, from one lick to being able to play confidently for 5min. Well done mate!


That is such a great improvement, Ashu. From playing few same notes in the scale to using a language in 6 months. It is not perfect yet, but you are speaking Blues now. Well done. :grinning:


Thank you Rhys!

Thank you Roger! I have indeed learnt a lot and need to keep working on lots of it.

I’m revisiting BLIM this year, two months on each unit is the plan.


Thank you Phil!

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Thank you Boris! And thank you for your feedback during the course too, it helped me find a few areas to focus on. :pray:t3:


It’s great stuff your fantastic keep going both are good but obviously the 2nd one has much more confidence and improved performance so just keep it going-:rainbow:

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Nice one Ashu, keep it going mate cheers Hec

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Thank you Bree!

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Will do, HEC!

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