ATTENTIIN ALL BEGINNERS Justin interview with Luke From 3 years ago explaining thought process behind new beginners course

I am often on u-tube and every now and again a really good video pops up outta no where!

This interview(an older one)is from a comminity member(from the sounds of things, or was anyways), Justin explains why he has came up with the Beginners course he now has in place and alot of the common beginners questions are answered in this interview. He also does, like always, an excellent job at explaining how to maneuver through his courses! Excellent material here, especially for all super beginners, I like to say. :slightly_smiling_face:

I also like to say, “Here it from the horses mouth!”. I believe this would count!:grin::smirk:

Rock on!


Very interesting interview! Thanks for sharing :grinning: :sunflower:


Ooh, what a great interview! Justin’s explanation of knowing your goals and consolidation, although he’s said it in a few of the beginner videos, really struck home in this interview. It’s changing how I’m thinking about my learning journey and how I’m gonna focus myself. Really helpful stuff.

Also, given how busy he is, it’s understandable that the Nitsuj stuff is on the back burner. Man’s a machine! But it has had such a great effect for his teaching and for someone as flighty as I am. I’m so grateful for his efforts to tailor his beginner course like that. I can honestly say I would have struggled not to throw it all in if his understanding of how difficult it is and very reality-based enthusiastic encouragement weren’t a part of it.

Great find! Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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He is a machine! No doubt there! You are right, he does reiterate alot of what has been mentioned in his courses.

For me, even though I have been lucky enough to be able to keep in a fairly straight line withvmy Journey, this little interview has shown me that I am on the right track.

Havimg the clubs has sure helped me as well to keep on the rigjt track, challengimg myself and knowing what my skilsets can achieve and what I need to work on!!

I am happy that this is helping some of you out!

Rock on!

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Thanks for sharing, I have just watched the whole interview and very much enjoyed it.

Same here. Thanks for sharing Darren! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Thanks Darren! Cool interview!!!


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