August 2023 - A month of Bread - If / Want to Make it with You

I have been fighting technology lately, and losing rather badly. I finally set aside my audio input and microphone and turned on my webcam. I recently started looking at songs from one of my favorite bands growing up, Bread. I didn’t appreciate David Gates’ song writing before. He relies heavily on 7th and Major 7th chords which I really like. The first song is ‘If’ fingerstyle and the second ‘Want to Make it with You’ rhythm style.

If by Bread (Cover)

Want To Make It With You


Hi @TheCluelessLuthier
This (If) is right up my street, really enjoyed it. Well done for adapting the vocals to suit you own range. Really steady fingerstyle just a few slight hiccups which are a cross you have to bear doing fingerstyle.
Nothing very critical to offer really, just sounds really good. You have done a great song justice. I will listen to you other offering later I’m on a train at the moment and reception is a bit patchy.

Thanks Mike. By the time I recorded this I had spent several hours trying to get my equipment to work. By the time I gave up and used the camera software on my PC with the webcam, I wasn’t in the mood to do several takes. :smirk: It was destined to be a one take song. Besides, my wife was tired of hearing it through the door.

G’Day Mark,

Nicely done I’d say. Bread was someone I listened to growing up and always loved their melodies.

Thought that was a great job, and nice collection of instruments too :+1: :grinning:

Two nice laid back performances there, Mark :smiley:
and even though the bread is lovely, it seems like something’s missing… Must be the absent missus :laughing:
Steady fingerstyle and nice vox on If
I notice you don’t keep your strumming hand moving all the time in the second but the rhythm still seems solid enough.
My crazy brown bread overflow lady approves :smiley:

2 beautiful songs beautifully played and sung Mark. Very enjoyable listen!

@CD02 Thanks Craig, sometime I will have to do a video where you can see my ‘Wall of Guitars’ to my left. :rofl:

@brianlarsen Thanks Brian, I’m glad that they came of as laid back. By the time I gave up on my equipment and switched to the webcam, I was a bit over it for ‘If’. :wink: I’m glad that I entertained you crazy brown lady as well.

@Eddie_09 Thanks Eddie!


Hi Mark,

two very enjoyable performances, indeed! :clap: Both songs I’ve never heard before, but the sounded quite nice! I liked “If” a little more, but both felt quite relaxed to me. Wouldn’t have guessed that you were kind of annoyed while performing “If”, though. :smiley:

I like the sound of your voice, playing sounded good and smooth to me as well and singing while fingerpicking worked fine. Very well done! :+1:

Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

@brianlarsen Brian, by scrolling down on first sight, I thought you crazy bread lady is something else… :rofl: :poop: :rofl:


Excellent mark, "Want to make it with you"beautiful song, well played. No ‘sandwich’ comments from McD, I loved it :ok_hand:

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Hi Mark,
I took in both of these and have to side with the first as I remember it more… Gosh, I don’t think I have heard these in decades. Shame on me, but thanks on you for providing the link back to the past. Your guitar and vocals came together well and made for a nice listen.

Keep up the good vibe and all the best to you!

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@Lisa_S Thanks Lisa, Bread was pretty popular ‘back in the day’ and David Gates went solo quite successfully.

“Wouldn’t have guessed that you were kind of annoyed while performing “If”, though.” That is why it is called “Performing”. :rofl:

@MadModMcd Thanks Ian!

@LBro Thanks LBro! My favorite by them is also ‘If’.

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Blimey Mark this takes me right back. My missus played a lot of their tracks back in the day and I am sure there are a few albums in the loft, amongst what would be called my classic rock collection !

I’ll take them in reverse order but don’t have any critique to add, as I just enjoyed the experience of listening. And a pleasure it was.

Make it was trimmed back from the OT but came across ultra mellow, if that’s all possible, with the soft thumb strumming. Suited your vocals and sounded good to my ears,

If, was always a beautiful song (even this old rocker admits that) so it was good to hear again after what seems like an eternity. I probably paid closer attention to this, as I have just kick started my fingerstyle journey. So it was a good opportunity to sit and watch some sing and playing at the same time. Something I hope to emulate one day, so thanks for sharing.

Oh dear hope that wasn’t too positive :rofl: I’ll leave this here :poop: to balance things out, although Brian left a picture. Joking aside, no need for shit in this sandwich, all good here.


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Thanks Toby, even an Old Rocker needs some quieter moments. :wink: The first fingerstyle song I learned was ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis. It has a simple pattern and the chords are easy.


Two lovely recordings from you, Mark. Songs from my youth and one of my favorite bands from back then. You are good at singing and playing Fingerstyle. I really enjoyed them both.

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Thanks Pamela!

As the others have said, that was a real blast from the past Mark. I too have a vinyl LP of ‘Bread’s Greatest Hits’ somewhere in my attic.
Well played and sung and I liked the way you made the songs your own by avoiding David Gates high bits.
Well done.

ps. I seem to remember Telly Savalas doing a version of ‘If’ but we won’t go there!


Mark well done brother, these are are right up my alley! Loved the style and vibe of each and mesmerized by the desert theme on your fretboard. I’ve got to get these in my set list. Great choices and performances sir!…. Rod

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Who loves ya baby :rofl:


@sairfingers Thanks Gordon, I had no choice to avoid Davids high bits. :wink: Now I might have to search for the Telly Savalas version. :rofl:

@Rod58 Thanks Rod, I was originally looking for songs for Jen and I to do together, but she thought these would work better solo. And thanks for the guitar compliment as well. I am gearing up to build my next guitar, but I haven’t settled on an inlay theme yet.

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Hello Mark, these are two beautiful renditions :blush:. I’ve never heard of Bread before, but there were lots of enjoyable vibes in there. My favourite was the second one.
And I love the inlay of your guitar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.