August 2024, Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie), Man Of The World (Peter Green), Major Pentatonic Blues Study

This has been in the todo list of my learning log since very early on. Glad to have got it done for my late sister who was a big David Bowie fan. Ziggy Stardust:

This is the next stage in my Peter Green odyssey after “Need Your Love So Bad” last year. I thought it would be easy but I shouldn’t have picked a song from a band (Fleetwood Mac) with three guitarists in it. Required a number of overdubs and ran out of mojo towards the end…

So I wasn’t happy with this. After a year I’ve forgotten how to use the editing software. Some licks and the rhythm guitar under the solo got lost in the mix. So it’s taken longer to do the video than the song and that wasn’t great! I’ve corrected the audio and put some transitions in that I don’t quite understand how I did them but they look reasonably cool. As an extra bonus it’s cropped off my bald head during the solo. If you want to see the original with a bald man playing a solo, I’ve left that below.

Original take 1

This is also on my LL with more of an explanation:


Nice one Peter. As a big Peter Green fan, this is one of my favourites.

Have to be quick to beat you though mate. :nerd_face:
I was about to upload my take on this very song in the next day or two.
Might have leave it a bit longer now. :crazy_face:

Cheers, Shane

Thanks Shane. There’s plenty more where that came from so you’ll have to be quick to out-Greeny me.


Well, just so you know, among other things, I’m working on his great version of The Stumble, so leave that one alone…:rofl:

Cheers, Shane

I’m stuck on the fast bit on that about halfway through the first solo…

Its all pretty fast.
But yes, I think I know the section you mean; around bars 11 -14, and ending with those superfast descending doubstops 6ths.
Yep, a challenge for sure. As with anything though ; isolate and hammer away at till ya eyes bleed :rofl:.

Cheers, Shane

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I don’t know that song Peter but have to say that I really enjoyed it and well done​:+1::+1: nice sound in your voice :clap:

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You made it sound more melancholic still than the original, Peter. I really enjoyed this a lot.

Regarding the discussion above: How about you two @rorystrat and @sclay start a thread “Peter and Shane take on Peter Green”? :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: I can imagine it would be fantastic… :notes:

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That was wonderful Peter - lovely job, really caught the emotion of that song.

This reminds me of a story about my favourite physicist (we all have one right?) Richard Feynman. He was just brilliant at everything to turned his hand to. His sister, Joan, a solar scientist was researching the Aurora Borealis and made him promise not to study it until she had finished, for fear of him trumping her work :slight_smile:


Really enjoyed it, Peter, good work on the production, lovely playing, tones and a vocal with feeling. Do love early Fleetwood Mac and Peter Green, what a legend, what a tragedy. Imagine if he (and Rory) had lived long and full musical lives.

@sclay no need to hold back Shane. Having your when ready will just double the delight here in AVOYP

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Thanks David @DavidP , Craig @CD02 , Paul @mathsjunky , Nicole @JokuMuu and Shane @sclay for your kind and positive comments. To be honest I’m not happy with it myself as it was a bit rushed. I did not follow my own advise and fully immerse myself in the song despite listening to it in the car last week on CarPlay. The backing tracks I had also all had some guitar parts on them and, as I wanted to do those myself, I got a custom track with just bass and drums. I made a rod for my own back there because there are places where the backing stops and it’s hard to get the timing right and come in at the right place. Anyway, Karma must have told me Shane was hot on my heals so there goes…


Nicole @JokuMuu I was thinking along the same lines but with a worldwide collaboration on a duet. It would make a whole new dimension to “World In Harmony” which is a Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac song on my list:

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I did enjoy that Peter.

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I put this study on the major pentatonic on my LL but it might be easier to find here.

Major Pentatonic Blues Study in E


Hi Peter,
:smile: Catching up on some reading in a strange order… now the pieces of the puzzle are falling together with that chatter between you (in Lick and Riff) and Shane here :grin:

You also played very very well, you have a beautiful sound and string touch… :clap: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: what a morning hearing you two play,

Now I go back into the garden , and dreaming of the blues playing :blush: (very hot today)


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Such a pretty song! Thought you did great! Nice editing skills to btw!!

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Thank you Rogier you are most kind. I do tend to flip-flop around with my choice of styles to play but I think that lead guitar is where my heart lies. So it’s nice to hear it’s appreciated. Cheers

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I’ve been struggling to play Ziggy Stardust since Feb. 23 according to my LL. Don’t know why but that’s another one off my todo list:

Ziggy Stardust featuring Weird and Gilly

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Your voice fits this one really well :slightly_smiling_face: Guitar was great too, though maybe just a tiny bit too rushed somewhere at the beginning? Didn’t go back to the original. Just a gut feeling… ( Yes, yes I’m trying to get you not taking this off your list yet. Sounded so good already now, so it would be a treat having you revisit this at some point in the future :sunglasses:)

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Thanks Nicole and I agree with your assessment, I think that’s a valid critic. Looking back on my learning log from over a year ago, I really struggled with the 4 finger G chord that is essential to this song. Last night it just came together and clicked and as I was in the zone I just went for it. I was pleased just to get that chord although I did still fluff it once (partially hidden by the vocal).

Man Of The World could also do with a re-do too.

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