August AVOYPS - 8/8 - Funky Blues Lead/ Improv in C: 23/8 ETUDE - 12 Bar Blues in A - Chord based soloing

Here’s a short lead/ improv - funky blues in C, as part of my ongoing focus on blues playing.
( Doesn’t seem to be much improv/ soloing around here anymore. It was all the rage about a year ago).
Anyway this one is part composed, part improvised. ie I’ve got a general plan, but it’ll differ a little each time.
Focusing here on implementing some things I’ve been learning in my ongoing blues study, like good phrasing, hitting those chord tones on the change, as well as some surrounding intervals like 6ths, 2nds, etc to add some colour and movement . Some double stops here and there where it feels right. Liking the funky blues.
As usual, any tips feedback etc welcome.

Cheers, Shane


Sounding so good, Shane. You keep learning and incorporating more into your playing. And developing lovely tone and feel. As usual, just lots to love and beyond me to offer tips


Nicely played Shane Your bends and vibrato came together nicely and your phasing was top notch.


That was terrific Shane. Very cool, very bloooozy! Really good.

Your’e right Shane. Can’t speak for the others but I’ve been frustrated by my electric recently. Struggling to get a good tone and struggling to find backing tracks. I was using an old phone to play them through but that phone packed in and I don’t have the right adapters for my other phone. Unlike the super example you’ve just given us, I just can’t get it all to stop sounding repetitive.

Wow, that sounded amazing, Shane! :clap: :smiley:

Lovely tone, nice phrasing to my ears and great feeling in it. Also, far beyond me to offer any tips, I just sit here, being astonished and enjoy the listen! :+1: :smiley:

That’s really nice Shane, nothing at all I would nitpick for!
You used a nice very clean tone, the only thing I might have tried just to see if it could be better is put the gain up just to the verge of break up, it could possibly sound a bit warmer and fuller instead of that ‘glassy’ clean tone. I could well be wrong but I still think it’s always worth that extra bit!

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Funny you say that Darrell, cos thats the exact thought, and term I had in my head, when I heard it back on youtube -a little bit ‘glassy’. It does sound much better locally on my PC, but they all seem to. Something that continually irritates me to be honest. Any tips in this area from anyone would be appreciated.

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Much appreciated David. Thanks for the listen and feedback.

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Thanks Rick. Much appreciated mate. Really feel on a good track here with some great blues modules from Justin, as well as one two other teachers that really know how to impart these ideas and techniques.

Hey Gordon,

Thanks for the listen and feedback mate. Much appreciated.
Yeah, I miss the amount of improv that used to be on here. I often prefer it to song playing, as it’s music straight from the player. Plus you could always flog an idea or two from those further down the track. :crazy_face:


Much apprecated Lisa. Thanks for the listen, and kind words.

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That sounded pretty cool to me, Shane! I really like how you kind of tell a story, and how everything flows.

This is what I’ve been working on lately, but haven’t felt I’ve got anything decent enough to share (yet). I’m learning a few licks I like, but they just sound kind of random when I try to play. I’ll get there, just need a bit more time! :slightly_smiling_face:


I feel such a great vibe from this. I could listen to this while enjoying my summer sitting on balcony. Great! :slight_smile:

Great stuff! This is something I want to get into more, I’m a bit focused on fingerstyle tunes a the moment but soo, very soon! Thanks for sharing👍

Thanks for the listen and feedback Mari. Much appreciated.

I enjoy listening to what any player puts out as an improv, solo etc. Its not easy this stuff, and is a long term, gradual process. Plus people have many different ideas, some of which are good for the taking :crazy_face: Be good to see what you’re working on.

Cheers, Shane

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Good morning/good evening Shane, I’m currently listening to your wonderful tune for the 4th time (and I’m certain, there will be a fifth and sixth as well :smiley:), while I’m having breakfast.
It’s so enjoyable :blush:. Great job on it :+1::clap:. It sounds so smooth and bluesy :sunglasses:.

I think, that’s the perfect way to do it to keep the improv vibe alive :star_struck:.

I’m already looking forward to your next recording :smiley:.

It’s one of the reasons I prefer to play through my amp and fx and either record using my iPhone (which works very well) or mic the amp up and record it into GarageBand using an AI; I only go that way if I want to mix it with a backing track - if I use a backing track I play it through in ear monitors which works well for me.
I think that you probably need to experiment and find out if you can quantify the difference in gain needed to sound right using your current recording system.

Hi Shane,
That was very sweet :sunglasses: :clap:

I’ll turn the camera on soon… but your sound (recording quality) is so much … really much … better than what I can manage , not to mention the technique of playing …
You set the bar high and that stimulates me to do more my best, thanks for that.



Hey Darrell,

Yep it can be annoying for me at times and a bit if a time waster tbh. I’ve experimented alot with varying success.

My general recording is all digital sim.
ie record via Focusrite into S-Gear amp sim suite, which creates some brilliant tones. I can then listen back on both some quality headphone monitors, and some KRK Rokit 5 studio monitors.
I generally import any video back into Reaper, where I can then manipulate the guitar tone as necessary. The end result is usually a great sound. The problem is it doesnt always translate that way to platforms like Youtube.
Im pretty tech savvy, and continue to educate myself in this area. Hopefully I’ll be able to fine tune it a bit better, and close the gap between what I hear locally, and what appears on Youtube. Its often fine, but not exactly what I intended.

Cheers, Shane

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Much appreciated Roger. Thanks for the listen, and feedback.
And yep, let some improv rip mae. I’d love to hear it. :+1:

Cheers, Shane

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