AVOYP #2 - Songbird (Oasis)

AVOYP #2 - One of my Module 8 songs. This wasn’t a song I was familiar with, and I honestly wasn’t crazy about it the first few times I listened, but it grew on me.

Singing/playing was on my list of long-term guitar goals, but not something I anticipated taking on quite this soon. However, Justin’s Beginner Songbook suggested that it was a good first song to try singing and playing at the same time, so I decided to give it a shot. It was definitely a process (the timing of the “she’s not anyone” lines still often trip me up), but I’m pretty happy with my progress overall! It really helped that this song is only ~2 minutes long - very conducive to repetition.

I never thought that I would post a video of myself singing on the internet, but here we are… :sweat_smile: (When I was younger, I also never imagined myself giving lectures to classes of 100 students, but I’ve done that, too…funny how life goes). Please ignore my “concentration face" at the end :woman_facepalming:


That was great Hilary. I am a big Oasis fan and this was the first song I learned to play and sing at the same time. Really loved how you strummed the song and very good vocals also. All around super job! :sunglasses:

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It really is a good first song for it! Thanks for your kind words :grinning:

That was beautiful, Hilary! Really well played, consistent strumming and smooth chord changes with bass line walk thrown in. Your voice fit so nicely with the lyrics and tone of the song. Well done! :clap: :clap: :clap: :star_struck:

Well done Hilary. The chords are ringing out clearly, changes are in time and you sang it beautifully too.

Really beautiful performance and well coordinated on fretting, strumming and singing :+1: :sunglasses:

Yeah, we never know where life takes us, but as long as we can embrace it all and having fun and enjoy all the moments on the way, we are golden. :+1: :pray:

Very nicely done, lovely timing, strumming and singing :v:

Great job Hilary and well done to you for posting a video. It’s a great song and I couldn’t agree more with Justin that it’s a good song to get playing and singing too. You’ve proved that point by knocking it out of the park!

Well done Hilary, that was great. Clean chords, consistent steady strum pattern and a bass line run thrown in too. Super vocal with excellent phrasing.
Looking forward to more from you in the future.

Great job Hilary, on e of my favorites to warm up. Great rythm and vocals, keep at it! it’s scary at first but you’ll find great benefits from posting playing/singing videos. Cheers!

That was great Hilary :exclamation: First singing and playing at the same time :exclamation: Wow :exclamation: I’m not there yet. Maybe one day. Thanks for sharing. Bravo again :exclamation:

That was pretty good. You’ve got to be proud of that.

We all get guitar face. Well, maybe some lucky ones don’t, but I don’t know any of them…

@nzmetal @Jeff @kimlodrodawa @Chazzo78 @KevinKevan
Thanks for watching and for the kind comments!

@Notter As usual, Justin is right!

@sairfingers The bass line was also per Justin’s instructions in the songbook - I’m just gonna keep doing what he says, everything has been spot-on so far!

@BigLuc Looking forward to seeing your singing debut in the future!

@jkahn Reassuring to hear everyone does it, but seeing it does make me wonder what else my face does during the day without my knowledge or permission :laughing:


Wow! That was fantastic Hilary. Great timing/strumming, and singing as well. Loved it, looking forward to hearing more. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Music is a healer of souls, and am glad to see you emerge from your shell.
Keep on playing and singing!!!
Well done!

Very nice! Clean chords and pleasant vocals, enjoyed it :+1:

@Andy3874 @ReneAsologuitar @DarrellW
Thank you all for the kind words! Knowing how incredibly supportive this community is definitely helped me pluck up the courage to post!


I really enjoyed that, well done. Rock solid. Clean changes, great rhythm on the strumming.
I’ve recorded myself once or twice - nowhere near good enough to post - and my concentration face is far worse than that.

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Hi Hilary,
Your first… :sunglasses: :partying_face: :clap: :clap: :clap:
And an absolutely great debut :sunglasses:,…

The wrist bent a bit too far sometimes and the finger bend a bit (but nothing strange for the early periods), because that goes away with more practice not mention further…
The chords, the bass and the singing was really great :clap:…and your guitar face looks good too, don’t practice that away from us :smile:
Greetings and look forward with anticipation to future performances :sunglasses:

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Great stuff Hilary :smiley:
Good rhythm, clean chords, fine strumming, nice vocals- what’s not to like?
Keep it up!

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