Just tried this song out for the first time and it sounds very discordant.
Could someone else give it a play and tell me what you think?
I really like this song, but it just sounds terrible…
Just tried this song out for the first time and it sounds very discordant.
Could someone else give it a play and tell me what you think?
I really like this song, but it just sounds terrible…
Hi Joshua,
I just played along a bit with these chords Bad Company Chords by Bad Company from UG on this music ,
and found it quite easy after just one round for the first time ,noithing weird to be found In my eyes… this one has a capo on it.
Nice one to play
Ps : as often a small adjustment to the chords is necessary … here in the intro it also goes after 3x F-C-Dm to F _ Dm and this happens again
Ps 2: nice when it gets a bit rougher to play power chords…
I hope this helps you, I have completely different things to figure out now…But it was a nice change of plate to play along with them a few times
Greetings ,Rogier
You are right.
The App player is playing the song with all chords one semitone lower than the chord names / diagrams shown.
The App shows Em, D, G, A but the actual chords are Ebm, Db, Gb, Ab.
You could approach this one a few ways involving a capo but it needs a fix anyway due to the mismatch.
Tagging @MusopiaApps for this issue.
@roger_holland thanks for trying to help - it is an App specific question though.
Hi Richard …
Not the first time I miss the word app … directly after your first post i saw it …
Still I hope that you Joshua can go wild now with this song
Thank you Richard
Am I right in thinking that a capo could only be used to make the chords higher rather than lower?
That is an unfortunate mythology that has grown up around the capo.
You can change key to any other key.
That said - the chords in this song are not all from one key and you would likely need to play at least one barre chord.
Let me figure it out.
Try this.
Detune your guitar by one semitone and play the App chord names / shapes.
Capo fret 1
Ebm = Dm shape
Db = C shape
Gb = F shape (Fmaj7 or F mini-barre would work)
Ab = G shape
Capo fret 6
Ebm = Bm (A-shape barre)
Db = A shape
Gb = D shape
Ab = E shape
Thanks again Richard!
Just curious, would it also work to just move all the chord shapes up one fret?
Em up one fret becomes Fm.
You need it to match Ebm.
Sorry I meant down.
If you know barre chords all of this becomes straight forward.
But the App is aimed at Grades 1-3 and the barre chords needed are a little beyond that.
You can’t move an Em chord down.
Yeah, I’ve only completed Grade 2.
So I know how to do a few barre chords, but I don’t really know anything about how they work.
I did just realize though that if I just moved the chords down, it wouldn’t “move” the open strings, so of course that wouldn’t work…
found version in GTabs
Dm C F …G
A…Dm C Dm
…Dm C Dm
sounded fairly good and close Capo 1 fret
voice a bit high, but probably can capo differently and get lower range up a bit to sound good.