Bands Night, August 2024

I have been playing for around 4 and a half years now, slowly (Very slowly) trying to work my way through Justin’s beginner course. I never did complete it as around 9 months ago I got the chance to join a newly formed music group which very quickly turned into a band and before I knew it we were organising bands nights at our local village hall. We have played about 5 of these so far, the latest being yesterday, 2nd August 2024. Playing with this band has really brought my playing on but I am still the novice of the group. All of my guitar playing time is now taken up with learning / practicing songs for the band which means learning new techniques and following Justin’s course has sadly had to be put on hold. Here is a video of 3 songs from last night. I am far left playing rhythm guitar although in the second song I am playing my first ever lead lines in front of an audience. Well, the first lead line apart from the simple little lead line during the bridge sections and at the end of the final song in this clip, ‘Dakota’

I think that now I need to work on my confidence and stage presence, oh, and I need to look up once in a while and not be staring at my fretboard all the time, but I guess that will all come in time.


Sounds great, Malcom. You got people singing, dancing and cheering :clap: :clap: :clap:

Was it fun?

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Bravo Malcolm. What a great set. I am sure you’ll come in in leaps and bounds, learning the songs, rehearsing and performing. Rock on!!!

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Sounding good Malcolm, well done too the whole band. :clap:

I am sure your confidence will grow each time you ‘step up to the plate’.

Keep having fun, and soon you’ll the one… :sunglasses:

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Yeah, once the nerves settled it was awesome. We’ve played 4 of these bands nights at the village hall now, plus an open air gig at the local school summer family fun day in June. This time last year I would never have believed that I would be playing in a band to live audiences. I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure this is really happening.
Living the dream!!

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Sounds great, and yes definitely living the dream! Keep having fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sounding great, Malcolm! And it must be soooo much fun, too. :smiley:

You make people dance and enjoy theirselves - isn’t that what music is about, too? And I think, by preparing and having those gigs, playing with your band mates you really learn a lot more than from plain technical practice, which is important, too, but not as much as making music out of the technical stuff IMHO. Great stuff! :slight_smile:

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