Beginner from Hertfordshire, UK

Hi Everyone,

I always had the idea of playing the guitar and had friends who did, but never got around to it myself. Anyway for my upcoming 50th in November, I thought it was about time, and it would also make a nice present. So started the research stage a few months ago and after watching countless YouTube videos and reviews, came across Justin Guitar who was a guest on a Andertons video. Started watching the Justin guitar modules and followed along, but without a guitar it was a bit tricky.

So a couple of weeks ago on the rainy bank holiday Monday, I took a trip to Andertons to ‘just have a look’, famous last words! I knew I wanted a smaller guitar, as had already handled a ‘normal’ sized guitar and found it a bit cumbersome. Anyway to cut a long story short, I tried a few different ones but came away with a Sheeran by Lowden W05, which just felt right and sounded beautiful (the salesman did the honours of playing!). So have been doing about 20 mins a day following module 1, initially on the website, but now on the app. The finger exercises have been helpful, as to start with my fingers wouldn’t go where my mind was willing them to! I’m sure you have all been there!

Anyway great to make your acquaintance, and will no doubt have questions to ask along the journey! Pictures of the guitar below :cowboy_hat_face:


welcome :slight_smile:

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Very nice looking guitar!
One day I’ll own a Lowden guitar… :crossed_fingers:

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Hi Michael,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a long life of playing :sunglasses:
And those 20 minutes every day is a great start :sunglasses:


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Welcome to the forum Michael

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Hi Michael welcome to the community,
Good luck with your journey


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Welcome to the forum, mate … And that’s a nice looking geet :grin:

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Beautiful guitar! Enjoy it, looks like it would be a joy to have. Welcome into the forum! Everyone here is super helpful with the question answering, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Welcome, Michael, that is a pretty guitar. Hope you have many hours of enjoyment.

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Hi Michael, welcome to the community forum. That is a nice looking guitar and more importantly one that you are comfortable playing. I know that you will have a lot of fun learning to play songs on it. I hope you are a fan of songs by Ed Sheeran, because that would be the perfect guitar to play some of his songs and there are a few Sheeran song tutorials on Justin’s website.

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Welcome aboard, I started at a similar time to you I think, first week in May when my son got a guitar for his birthday. I joined him and love it here. Your right just a few mins a day makes a world of difference and the site is so well thought out.

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Thank you…It is lovely to play and the quality is fantastic so the more expensive Lowden’s must be unreal. I did look at their website and some of the wood combinations are beautiful.

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Thank you….the fingers are starting to respond, when I first started I had to physically move the 3rd finger as it wouldn’t go where my mind was willing it. The finger exercises are helping :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thank you…everyone here is very supportive which is great.

Thank you :cowboy_hat_face:

Thank you…its great to be amongst supportive like minded people who are happy to help.

Thank you…it’s even nicer to handle and play :cowboy_hat_face:

Thank you…am sure I will be reaching out for help along the way.

Thank you….I had the choice of choosing a cheaper guitar to start with, but this guitar just spoke to me and felt right. I am enjoying the journey so far, am sure there will be tough times!

Thank you….The guitar is as beautiful to handle and play as how it looks. I like some of Ed Sheeran’s music and he is incredible in what he does, however that wasn’t the inspiration for buying this particular guitar. I wanted a smaller guitar and I liked how Lowden had kept the manufacturing of their ‘cheaper range’ in Northern Ireland. This particular model W05, is a new model and has only just come out and the one I have was one of the first to be made. It is a bit more refined in detail and finish than original Sheeran by Lowden guitars which is reflected in a more expensive price. It wasn’t really about the money but how it felt to me, and this guitar just warmed in my hands when I picked it up in the shop, where others just felt like a bit of wood with strings!