Beginner's Safe Space 2022

Hi Andrés!

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. That was definitely a question I had, how to practice for singing while playing. Your advice sounds pretty good, practicing each separately, but also occasionally combining them, maybe practicing in sections. Good stuff!

After I get this one down, and have the right chords under my belt, I really want to do Marley’s “Redemption Song.” I’m a big Reggae guy, and that song in particular moves me emotionally. I may soon add the openning riff to my current list of practice riffs so I can have that part down when I get to working on the rest of the song.

Best Wishes,
:guitar: :mountain_biking_man: :ambulance: :books: :stethoscope:

“One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you’re into jazz.” - Lou Reed


@SocratesDiedTrolling @dobleA


If you have not seen it already, check out Justin’s lesson on singing and playing. There are some gold nuggets in this lesson and its one that’s overlooked by many.

This also goes for anyone else thinking about singing and playing. Its certainly not easy and takes some graft.



Hi Toby!

Thank you! I had noticed the lesson, and have considered taking it, but, I think I was feeling like waiting until I was more advanced to take it. I suppose it would be wise to take it now, now that I’ve been trying to sing and play!

Best Wishes,
:guitar: :mountain_biking_man: :ambulance: :books: :stethoscope:

“One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you’re into jazz.” - Lou Reed



I’d recommend anyone who is thinking about singing and playing to take a look at that lesson. It seems so easy but there is so much going on. Took me years to crack it and still have doubts but for sure, watch that video. It will help your development, as you have a passion to play and perform !




Hi Toby, thank you for the link. Good refresher. Just in time for my preparation for OM XII.

@SocratesDiedTrolling just to add that at the end of the lesson, as in any other lesson by the way, there’s a link to a discussion over the topic of playing and singing by some of the community members (more food for thought).


Todd, Totally awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this as it is an inspiration to me ( and many others I am sure). I hope you are proud of your accomplish so far.I sure am proud of you as a fellow beginner. On my side I am a 61 yr old recent retiree trying guitar for the first time. Been at it six months now and still working to force smooth chord changes that sort of sound good lol. Singing - hah no way at this point for me. BUT, you got me thinking. Well done Todd. Can’t wait to see your six month video!


Hi Bob!

Thank you so much! I really want to get to the point of being able to sing and play, so… I guess I just put myself out there! I am glad if anything I do helps to inspire others. This is an edifying, spirit-enriching hobby; I think it can add to one’s life. So, anything I can do to help!

I’m a total beginner myself, only about six weeks in when I did that video, but, I guess the one thing I have is… being sort of crazy? Or, more specifically, with a background in teaching, I guess I’m pretty comfortable getting up in front of a crowd, whether they like it or not. I genuinely enjoy public speaking, which I see as a type of performance art of its own. So, I’m glad people have gotten so much out of me doing some public music-ing! :slight_smile:

Best Wishes,


Hi Andrés!

Thanks for that! I watched the lesson a couple of times today (once just to take it in, another to take down the 10 steps in my guitar learning journal). I will check out the forum topic!

Grace and Peace,


Hi everybody, this is my first recording and I’m quite out of my comfort zone :wink:

I’ve started learning to play guitar 6 months ago and am very grateful for all the great learning resources available at JustinGuitar.

Here is “Chocolate Jesus” played to a backing track. I’ve slowed it down a bit, more towards the original version of Tom Waits. Although, there are still some flaws, I thought to post that now:

Chocolate Jesus - I hope this Youtube link works (it’s the first time I have uploaded a video)

My goal would of course be to sing and play at the same time. But for that, I’ve still a lot of practising to do :wink:

Thanks for your feedback.


Bravo Ursula congrats on your first recording and post. Sounded pretty solid to me and a nice relaxed pace. That’s one cool looking studio and a nice example of GAS if all the wall decorations are your. Nice bass !



Super debut performance Ursula. You looked relaxed and your thumb pick/strum technique was clean and steady. Clean chords too. Well done, I look forward to more from you.
You’re more than ready to post in the ‘proper’ AVoYP section. That way you’ll get a lot more listens and helpful advice.


@SocratesDiedTrolling Todd, great playing for just 6 weeks. Your strumming is very steady which is a goal that Justin continues to emphasis, even at higher grades. The chord changes will improve with practice but they sound good even now.


Congratulations on a great first post Ursula! That’s the scariest part over! I thought your playing and chord changes were both nice and smooth and you kept a steady rhythm throughout. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Ursula!

Thank you for sharing that! I really enjoyed your performance. I’m a bit earlier in my own guitar learning journey, so I have yet to learn strumming patterns like the one you are using. I really enjoyed that. It sounded good to me!

You mentioned wanting to learn to sing and play. I agree, in that this is a goal of mine as well! If you haven’t checked it out yet, I would recommend Justin’s lesson on the same: It really helped me learn to play and sing my first song!

On a side note, I like the instrument collection in the background!

Best Wishes,

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Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting Ursula. That was really good. Strumming was nice and steady, the chord changes were smooth and the picking of the bass notes was great. Very nicely done.

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@SocratesDiedTrolling re: Three Little Birds

I’m so late making my comment, having first watched many days ago, that I have nothing new to offer really apart from encouragement and applause.
So much has been said, such good advice has been offered and - by way of a massive BONUS - you’ve even earned a one-to-one with Justin.

Who’d-a thunk it. Just by posting a first AVOYP.
Enjoy it.
I will advise on that.
Go visit the topic in which people have written up their one-to-one experiences and note how a common thread is a suggestion that, in advance of a lesson, you prepare and have a focus and a set of aims / questions figured out. The 1-to-1 Sessions

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@Chordy65 re: Chocolate Jesus
Ursula, that’s a super cool performance for 6 months learning.
I’m wondering if you have previously learned other stringed instruments (ukuleles adorning the wall make me ask) as you have a feel and a touch that belies your short time on the guitar. Good solid groove and steady rhythm throughout. The picked thumb note on the first beat seemed to really help you keep time and tempo.
Bravo - what a first AVOYP that is.

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Hi Ursula, good job. Keeping a steady rhythm while doing chord changes and being in time with a backing track They are not easy tasks and you have accomplished them well.


Bravo and congrats on a first AVOYP, Ursula. You looked pretty comfortable and did well maintaining smooth strumming, changes and clean chords. Sounding real good. Keep on doing what you’re doing.



Thanks, man! :slight_smile:

I’ll check out that thread! I’ve been thinking about that. I want to make the most of this lesson, so, I want to be prepared. On the other hand, I’m pretty early on in all of this, so, I don’t really know what to ask. In other words, I know so little that I don’t yet know what I don’t know. So, maybe that thread will give me some ideas.


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