Beginner's Safe Space 2024

I agree with what people said before me. Sounded good, it’s surely good enough - no matter in which category you posted it in the end :slightly_smiling_face:

Off you go to your Open Mic with hopefully boosted self-confidence


Thanks buddy

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Mods please move this over to AVOYP if appropriate

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Hi William,

Good on you for posting. It’s a good performance. You should be proud of it.

I can tell you are a beginner (like you say) from the way you are forming your chords and looking at your hand.

It’s definitely ready for a Justin Guitar online open mic. If it’s ready for a real-world one will depend on the open mic and the level of performers there. You would probably want to make sure you can sing into a mic and give a confident performance. Sus out your local open mics first.


Great first video share, William.
Bravo! :sunglasses:
Open mic’s do not depend on your ability to play or sing. They depend on your level of confidence and ability to engage with/entertain the punters. Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway… :rofl:

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Hej igen, Jesper :wink:
Glad @Richard_close2u split the topics and alerted me to this.
Playing upright, solid strumming, picking, muting, twiddling the knobs…
For helvede, det var fantastisk! :imp:
You smashed the pumpkin! :sunglasses:


@brianlarsen Takker ærbødigst! :slight_smile:

@Eccleshall Thanks! I have a lot of travels the next weeks, so my practice time will be reduced a bit. I hope I don’t loose too much momentum.

@rogerholland I agree - and also for myself, looking at my playing makes it much easier to spot what changes I need to work towards to improve. With audio, you hear the mistakes, with video, you can also see the reason for the mistake.

@SgtColon Thanks - next step for me is practicing rolling chords for module 16. I am working on Leanard Cohen’s ‘The Stranger Song’. It is not easy, but everything required has actually been covered in the lessons up to and including module 16: alternating bassline, sus4 embellishments, rolling chords, barre chord. But the speed! :exploding_head:


Congratulations on your first video posting, William.

That was good. Steady rhythm and very clean sounding. Nice vocals too. Yes, I think you’re ready for your local OM. Good luck.

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Thanks Sarge.
Im running out of excuss to put this off

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@6stringrazor Congrats on the first posting, William. Quite OK to post the first one here, I don’t feel a need to move it. I think you played it well, with good timing and feel plus the embellishments. Easy on the ear vocal.

You can look into a Community OM here: Community Open Mic Events

As for a local in-person OM, I’d agree with comments to go attend, judge the vibe, talk to folk, and then make a call.

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Hi everyone

Here’s my first AVOYP - Take me home Country Roads. I recorded this about a week ago prior to watching the lesson on Dynamic Improvements; I think I could perhaps work on varying my strumming a bit. Video is a bit blurry at first but improves after approx 20 secs. All feedback gratefully received. Cheers, Michael


Michael @MichaelBrabs
Excellent well done, not got any suggestions for improvement.
I thought you said you didn’t really sing!


Thanks Michael. I appreciate the feedback. I don’t think singing’s my strong point so that’s probably why I said that :slight_smile: It’s weird as sometimes I sing along and it sounds ok and sometimes it sounds pretty bad so It’s a bit pot luck I suppose.



In time, in tune and very engaing performance. Better than many open mics I’ve seen. Go for it!



What a nice way to start my morning. Consistent strumming and you really sang well :slightly_smiling_face:

There is one thing I noticed, because it’s something I’m paying a attention to when I’m recording myself at the moment, since I have been struggling with similar issues with my pinky.

When you rewatch your video take a look at what your index finger and pinky are doing, when you are not using them in chords. Especially your index finger is flying quite far away from the fretboard at times. I think you can easily improve this, if you are just paying a bit more attention to it :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the community btw, I don’t think I’ve said that yet, looking forward to your next video :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning Nicole,

Thank you for your kind words. I’m pleased I contributed to your morning and hope you have a great day!

I’ve watched the video again and I totally see what you mean about my index and pinky! It’s like I’m doing the horn symbol while playing the E minor chord :joy: I’ll definitely try to work on this as I guess I’m making movement between chords a little harder this way.

And thanks for the welcome!



Hi Michael,
First video is a big thing so i understand you thought of ‘beginner safe place’

But you don’t belong here at all :flushed:… First video :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap:, very nice singing :sunglasses: :clap: and beautifully played and all together :sunglasses: :clap: :man_bowing:

Follow the lessons in a somewhat organized manner and you will fly through the first lessons and I predict a bright musical future for you :smiley:



Hi Roger

Thank you very much for your kind words. I’m pleased you enjoyed it :grinning:

Now that I’ve got the first video out of the way, I will venture outside the safe space for my next one! I’m working on a song at the moment but it needs a bit more practice so I will hopefully be ready to hit record in a few days.



Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting, Michael. That was really well done. Nice work on the strumming and chord changes, vocals sounded great as well.

Just one small tip, try not to spend too much time looking at your fretting hand.


Thank you Stefan. I appreciate the feedback and will try to work on not looking at my fretting hand too much. I don’t know if it’s a beginner thing that will decrease as I gain more experience.