Beginner's Safe Space 2024

Welcome to the 2024 Beginner’s Safe Space.

Posting your first Audio-Video Of You Playing (AVOYP) is a big obstacle for some.
So, we have this topic just for members taking their first steps. If you have never posted before and would prefer not to create your own topic, with the spotlight on you individually, then you are more than welcome to join in here.

A few house rules:

We would like this topic to be for Beginners only, working through Justin’s Beginners Course Grades 1-3.
Ideally your recording will feature you playing one from the hundreds of songs at those grades on the Songs lesson page and / or in the Lessons & Songs App.

We would ask that you limit your uploads in the Beginner’s Safe Space to a maximum of three per person. This could be three recordings of the same song, showing your progress. It could be three different recordings, perhaps from the same grade, perhaps spread out across several grades of learning.

When you reach this maximum, or before if you feel confident enough, we ask that you then begin to use the wider Progress + Performance Audio-Video of You Playing Area.

Additionally, you can make use of the Learning Log section to create your own space for collating your AVOYP recordings, keep a learning diary / journal, post photos of your gear etc in

Jump aboard and join in.

Be positive - about your own progress and towards others.

Have fun.


Thank you.

Previous Safe Space topics.

2023: Beginner's Safe Space 2023

2022:Beginner's Safe Space 2022

2021: Beginner's Safe Space 2021


So finally, here it is - my first recording. Smashing Pumpkins, ‘Tonight Tonight’. I reduced the speed to 90% in the app (love the “guitareoki” part of the app!) There are a few mistakes here and there, especially in the parts with individual string picking. I tried my best not to look down at my hands too much. It was great fun, and I was actually surprised how well it went. After all, have only been playing since August. I ended up suing a Youtube link despite being hesitant about it - (Thanks, David! :smiley:).



Really enjoyed your rendition, both the rhythm and the picking. You kept time really well too and that tempo minimised the impact of any mistakes. Your guitar has a good sound. I play acoustic so have no idea how difficult it might be to casually move across the different pick-ups. Your style seemed confident and relaxed.


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Thanks for sharing the video, Jesper :slightly_smiling_face:

You have a lot to be proud of :slightly_smiling_face: Casually changing from strumming to picking? Clean chords and smooth chord changes? Keeping up the rhythm that well throughout the song? Casually changing the sound resp. tone towards the end? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s easy to notice that you have practiced playing this song a lot.

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@BVNC Bravo and congrats, Jesper. You are making excellent progress and doing well with some challenging techniques.

Next time I suggest you create a Topic in Audio-Video Of You Playing rather than a reply in this Topic. Your level is more than sufficient, you have no cause for concern.

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@beejay56 Thanks, Brian! I played everything with the bridge pickup only, but changed the guitar volume for the different parts of the song to increase the amount of overdrive “crunch” in the second half of the song, and to have a cleaner tone for the picking parts - and for me, that is pretty far from casual :rofl:. Glad I managed to make look relatively smooth.

@DavidP Thanks for the kind words, David! Not sure I’m ready to take of the training wheels just yet, but let’s see… :wink:


Thanks, @JokuMuu !
I find the app really helps keeping the rhythm throughout the song. Works fine with the suggested edit to embed the video :+1:


Hi Jesper,
Congratulations on your first video :partying_face: :sunglasses:… that’s a big thing and great that you chose YouTube and not just audio because most of us don’t listen to it or don’t listen to it after the first one or two times, because as far as I’m concerned If I want to listen to a song, I put on something by professional musicians, the great pleasure of listening to music here is watching it and sometimes helping to improve where possible… So :clap: :clap: :clap: :sunglasses:



Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting, Jesper.

That was really well played. The picking was great and your timing looked spot on too. Nice one on the guitar.

This is one you can be really pleased with.


Thanks! :smiley:

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Wow, this is a proper play-along rendition, and for someone who has only been playing for a few months, this is really excellent.
I hope you’ve now got the bug to do loads more !!


Hello Jesper, oh wow, that’s a really impressive AVOYP-debut :partying_face::bouquet::clap:!!
I can’t believe, you’ve just started few months ago?! You’ve made great progress.
Keep on doing what you’re doing :+1:.


Hola everyone
I hope I’m posting in the right place
This is the first recording I’ve ever shared
I’d be interested to know if you think it’s ready for my first local open mic night.


Welcome back you are.

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Hi William,
Posting in the beginners safe place and asking if it is good enough for an open mic then you are not posting the video in the right place probably …it belongs in the AVOYP section :smile:, which is of course a compliment :sunglasses: :clap:. …you have a pleasant singing voice and with your guitar this would certainly not look out of place at your local open mic ( I guess of course I don`t know if you lives among only guitar virtuosos ) :sunglasses:
Greetings ,Rogier

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OK sorry…it’s the first thing I’ve ever shown anyone apart from family. I’d consider myself a beginner, and it’s for sure a beginner song.

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O Sir It may be a beginner song, but in my opinion you are no longer a beginner :grin:… and sorry, not necessary … the moderators will move it if they feel it necessary without that they getting irritated :sweat_smile:… you can learn here and elsewhere on the forum safely how everything works and just ask if you feels so … and break this place is almost impossible ,yes almost… some try and almost get it down but that is a story for over a long time :grin:
Have fun :sunglasses:

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You are ready for an open mic.

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Dank je for your feedback/help,
I’m a bit of a noob here so any guidance is much appreciated!

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Trying to pluck up courage !

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