That was excellent Bethany. Nice controlled and consistent strumming with clean chord changes. With such a beautiful singing voice as well there will be no stopping you from here. Look forward to hearing more from you .
Really nice!
Swift cord changes, solid strumming AND on top of that, singing(!).
For me (who’s building courage to make my own first video appearance) you just passed the Grade 1 with the speed of lightning.
Well done!
Thank you! And looking forward to hearing your playing when you get around to posting Better to do a thing than to live with the fear of it
Awesome! I love that song. You’ve inspired me to give that one a go.
Have fun!
Very enjoyable Brittany!
Great voice.
Following Justin’s advice to keep the strumming hand moving continuously.
I mean Bethany - sorry.
Ok so I’m about 3 weeks into the consolidation stage for grade 1. Generally pleased with how things have gone, chords and chord changes seem good and strumming starting to feel more relaxed.
This is my attempt at posting a video, Eleanor Rigby playing along with the app.
Quite shocked at some of the facial expressions and should have spent more time on the video but just wanted to get it done.
Hopefully another week or so then on to grade 2.
Hi Mick,
Sounds good to me you kept rhythm well and kept your strumming had moving good job
Seem ready to move on enjoy.
Hi Mick,
Congratulations on your first video
…that’s a big step, and there was a lot of good in it … I liked it
And those facial expressions make it even more fun for the viewer
Nicely done Mick.
Well done Mick, making good progress, steady rhythm good chord changes. Keep on keeping on!
Congratulations on your first video post Mick.
Coming along well mate. Clean chord changes, good pick attack with the strumming , and importantly, solid rhythm; a massive bonus if you’ve got some natural rhythm.
Cheers, Shane
Thanks all for the kind words and support.
At this stage positive criticism and encouragement is worth its weight in gold!
Thanks again
sounds very nice! If you’re only finishing grade one, you’ll go far!
Well I did try to learn many years ago but life got in the way I’ve been quite pleased at how quickly some things have come back.
However that doesn’t seem to apply to the F chord which I’m just starting on
Great first AVoYP Mick. Check out your video camera settings. You’re not left handed as I can see that Yamaha is written backwards.
Steady rhythm and clean chords, well done.
You’ll get there, it just takes time, patience and practise.
Yes I must admit that freaked me out a bit I think it’s because I used the selfie setting to check everything was in view. Must do better next time!
Hi All,
This is my 2nd video of me trying to play Wish You Were Here, my 1st I posted in the PRS competition, it was not great. So this is a sort of video diary so I can see my progress of lack of it. I started playing again after an 18 year break for several reasons. I have gone back to basics and am working my way through all of Justins Lessons and practising daily. rhythm/timing seems to be a big issue for me, although it is gradually improving, I think?
This is my cut down rendition of WYWH.
Love it, specially if I close my eyes, because I can clearly see inconsistent hand movement. It sound great because you strum at right time but without keeping the hand moving all time.
For rhythm go through these again:
Practice strumming with metronome and any chord progression you are comfortable with. Start super easy like downstrum at beat 1 per bar, then downstrum every beat per bar, then the most common pattern D DU UDU, then all downs and ups, or any other easy pattern.
I have practiced like this a lot and it really improved my strumming.