Beginner's safe space

Thanks all for the kind words and support.
At this stage positive criticism and encouragement is worth its weight in gold!

Thanks again

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sounds very nice! If you’re only finishing grade one, you’ll go far! :slight_smile:

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Well I did try to learn many years ago but life got in the way :person_shrugging: I’ve been quite pleased at how quickly some things have come back.

However that doesn’t seem to apply to the F chord which I’m just starting on :rofl:

Great first AVoYP Mick. Check out your video camera settings. You’re not left handed as I can see that Yamaha is written backwards. :grin:
Steady rhythm and clean chords, well done.

You’ll get there, it just takes time, patience and practise.


Yes I must admit that freaked me out a bit :rofl: I think it’s because I used the selfie setting to check everything was in view. Must do better next time!

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Hi All,

This is my 2nd video of me trying to play Wish You Were Here, my 1st I posted in the PRS competition, it was not great. So this is a sort of video diary so I can see my progress of lack of it. I started playing again after an 18 year break for several reasons. I have gone back to basics and am working my way through all of Justins Lessons and practising daily. rhythm/timing seems to be a big issue for me, although it is gradually improving, I think?

This is my cut down rendition of WYWH.

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Love it, specially if I close my eyes, because I can clearly see inconsistent hand movement. It sound great because you strum at right time but without keeping the hand moving all time.

For rhythm go through these again:


Practice strumming with metronome and any chord progression you are comfortable with. Start super easy like downstrum at beat 1 per bar, then downstrum every beat per bar, then the most common pattern D DU UDU, then all downs and ups, or any other easy pattern.

I have practiced like this a lot and it really improved my strumming.

Thanks, I completely agree with you. It’s like my brain is telling my arm to do one thing but it does something else, very confusing and frustrating. I will revisit the lessons you post and consider doing Justin’s Strumming SOS course.

Happy Riffing. Adrian

Weirdly you seem a bit more comfortable with the ‘solo’/lead parts than the chords. i’d be very much the other way

What were you following for the tab of the solo part? Do you have a link

lovely guitar too

If you were replying to me and not Ayush, then yes I am still having strumming issues, as well as following Justin’s course I have been using the Gibson app which has some good tutorials that you can play along with.

I am going back to focus on rhythm lessons yet again and practice more songs playing just chords. I tried Sultans of Swing today and found that tricky and need more practice. I think I need to do some basic rhythm practice with Justin’s app and a metronome, and improve some chord changes.