Behind the Scenes - Helen's Log


On October 16, 2024, I spent my 1.000th (!) day with the JG Community and I decided, this finally might be a good starting point for some reflection on my guitar journey.

1.000 days, 41d read time :see_no_evil:, might lead to the assumption, thereā€™s nothing else in my life going onā€¦ I assure everyone, there is!
There must be something about this community I joined almost three years ago - it has become my guitar home base, kind of my guitar living room, my anchor in days of joy and frustration along the road :blush:.
So first of all let me say ā€œThank youā€ all for being such a great motivating and supporting place! Iā€™m sure, it was one of my best decisions to join the group back in the days and a big part for my daily motivation :pray:!

What this Log should be
I think, after finishing Grade 3 by the end of August, a new period of consolidation has begun and I certainly think, this probably could be a potentially critical point of loosing direction, so I decided, noting my self reflection and thoughts might help me to stay on track. More about that later.
I will for sure write about my journey and progress, but probably wonā€™t go too much into detail.
But there are so many things Iā€™m thinking about during this journey, so many thoughts coming along, I would love to share and also discuss with others, so please feel free at any time to comment. Iā€™m always interested what others think,so donā€™t hold back!

About me and my way so far
For those, who donā€™t know me already, Iā€™m Andrea from Germany, I live in the very south part of the repuplic, close to the Alps, never had enough time to learn an instrument. Until 11/2020 my life consisted from all those well known committments (work, family, etc.) and all my spare time was filled with various outdoor activities and sports.

Out of a sudden, in November 2020, I got a cancer diagnosis (super aggressive tumor) during a medical examination and my life changed dramatically within seconds. I went through a full cancer treatment during the worst time of the pandemic, which made things even worse, until August 2021, and thanks to my good physical constitution, I returned to ā€œrealā€ life very fast.
Needless to say, I had some time during this period to reflect on things (oh, yes!) I would love to do in my ā€œnewā€ life and it was such a ā€œnow or neverā€ decision starting to learn guitar. Within a few days, I ordered all the needed equipment and luckily enough, I found Justinā€™s programm immediately and started out in September 2021 without the illusion to ever become an accomplished player. I thought, just a few chords would be key to play some songsā€¦

Oh my! How wrong have I been (not concerning the accomplished player!!) to think, learning to play guitar would just be a new hobby, just something to try out and very likely to struggle and finally quit.

I never expected Justinā€™s programm to be so well structured and motivating! Within a few days in, I was ADDICTED :flushed: :joy:! It was a bit like a ā€œhoneymoonā€, I couldnā€™t keep my hands of my guitar (-s) anymore and felt a big, big motivation to move through the first modules.
So, I made my way through Grades one and two, slowly but consistantly, facing incredible feelings of joy and satisfaction as well as frustration, to be honest, but with a firm belief in my capability to actually learn to play the instrument.

This was so much more than expected :upside_down_face:! Guitar had become a life changing experience, a totally new life style, a source of constant inspiration and a remedy for all my inner fears, doubts and pain.
I canā€™t emphasize enough, how much Justinā€™s programm and course adds to my personal wellbeing until today. Playing and singing, well guided along with the course have such a great positive impact on my life. Iā€™m very, very greatful and canā€™t thank Justin and team enough for being a constant help and source of positiveness.
I was on cloud 9! At least, I thoughtā€¦

Then in early 2023 fate kicked in again, various further health issues occured (enough for a whole lifetime) with countless medical appointments and treatments and a COVID infection finally led to the result of a major physically Fatigue Syndrome. Since then, my daily power resources have shrinked to an absolute limit, compared to a battery, I maybe have up to 25% of my former capacity on a good day.

Why do I note this? My current situation infects simply everything. Family, working, the chores, sports, social life and of course also my guitar learning ambitions. It puts everything into relation.

Whenever I get upset about my progress or find myself frustrated, why things to learn sometimes take me an insane amount of time - Iā€™ d like to poke myself and shout: "Hey buddy! You made it all the way through Grade 3, you practiced almost every day with joy for three years, thatā€™s more than you ever expected, when you started out :blush: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - keep on, donā€™t give up, enjoy every moment with your guitars and SMILE :slightly_smiling_face:!!!

And thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing now. Started a longer consolidation period on Grade 3 after the holidays in September and allowed myself to bounce around between a few subjects, whilst working on fixing loose endsā€¦

With this in mindā€¦

(Source: Blues Cluster, somewhere on Facebook)

To be continuedā€¦ :writing_hand:


Hi Andrea ,
Good story or at least well written, and I would like to make some smart comments ā€¦ about the 41d and ā€œusā€ andā€¦, but I will save them for a whileand share later :innocent:.

What affects me is that the fate kicked in story ,and that that take 75% of your energie at least ,that is mind blowingā€¦

It sounds like story`s here last week renewed when opening special long Covid /or heavy Covid centers ā€¦and the other things (which you mentioned earlier as general total malaise ) where the heck is al that from andā€¦ Now Iā€™m a bit stuck on translations and correct words(perhaps in combination with the cancer treatments (no idea but a wild guess)) is bothering you so so much, it is or sounds like many who with long extreme covid complaints or/and after cancer treatmentsā€¦ I deviate far too much and I wanted just to ā€¦

The good news is that you still like it here and play that axe and ended grade 3 :partying_face: and now consolidate that very big thing :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses: ā€¦

very curious which path you will choose and, and if in doubt, just keep sniffing around everything a bit ā€¦And ā€¦Oā€¦I see something with blues :grin:

I have been using something other than BB for 5 years when my new life started

But still the meaning is the sameā€¦enjoy life as much as possible every dayā€¦sending all good from hereā€¦

Ps: what a great photo of you two :sunglasses:



Thank you for sharing your experience, I hope your health recovers quickly :blush:

Thereā€™s a lot to be said for consolidation, or just enjoying playing your guitar without any pressure. I completed grade 1 and arguably Iā€™ve been consolidating ever since as Iā€™ve done no more lessons, but Iā€™m still learning new songs and improving my playing. I think consolidation is under rated

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Andrea @Helen0609

Thanks for this, it was a difficult read in some parts, but well done you for putting it down.

I hope things improve for you in the future.


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Hi Rogier!
Thanks for emerging from the Blues immersion and for the nice reply!

Thanks for the good wishes, really appreciated! I try to make the best out of it, I havenā€™t lost hope (yet) and what keepā€™s me going, I havenā€™t lost humour :blush:.

Hmpf,ā€¦actually, there are 4 of them :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :laughing: :see_no_evil:.

Me too! Iā€™m currently a bit poking around :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I find this decision to be really hard. Will write about this in one of the next entries. I started this log in the hope, writing things down will lead me to the lightā€¦ :dizzy:.

Big, big fan of the Blues and itā€™s still on top of the list. But the whole immersion thing is giving me thoughts :wink:.

Concerning Snoopy, I had a similar one:


Thanks for both! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Best of luck with everything Andrea! Thanks for sharing your story with us!

I spent almost a year consolidating after grade 3, dabbling in some of the finger style lessons, and some classical music lessons, and playing along with the app. I think it helped to let everything simmer and stew for a while :+1:

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@mattswain Thanks Matthew for reading my post and the wishes!

Yes, I ā€œallowedā€ myself for a while now just to look around and try things that come along my way. I needed a rest from moving on and from a too restrictive schedule. At least for a while!

I thought a lot about this, but I guess, Iā€™m more the type of person that appreciates, that there is a lay out path, it gives me structure. During consolidation, I change this a bit, Iā€™m working on songs that include skills I want to improve.

Same here! I think, itā€™s key to fix the basics (at least for me).


@Beatup6String Thanks Ashu! A year might seem to be a long period, but time flies and before weā€™ve realized, a quarter of a year is gone. Very likely it will take me some time to get things under my belt and to fix the loose ends. Iā€™m so curious about trying out different skills and techniques and at this stage canā€™t narrow it down to the "one " path to follow. So Iā€™ll go a bit with the flow :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Thanks for reading and the good wishes, Michael. I was thinking a lot whether itā€™s good to share a story, thatā€™s not pimarily one of success and fast progress, maybe not a story to send out positive vibes in the first place (I wonā€™t go into detail in the future entries, no worries).
For me, itā€™s just reality. I have to deal with it and it currently infects my whole being and learning.
I parked this first entry for a whole month as a draft, not sure, if I should post it.
In the end, I decided to do so, as it might encourage many fellow students out there to see, that there are others struggling with ā€œprogressā€ due to life circumstances.

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thats why I always go out with a ffp2 mask
I dont care about what people think of it
When someone already suffers from one ailment , the mask is the best way to avoid catching something more !
I try to preserve the ability I have left the best I can and so far it works !

Good luck with your consolidation :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing Andrea and congrats on your progress. Wishing you good health and hope you get back to full strength soon. :sunglasses:

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Hi Andrea.
Great to see you starting your log.

A good story? Well, the real story is in how youā€™re dealing with your health issues and it sounds like guitar is playing a big part in helping you overcome them. So yes, a good story!

Iā€™m sure your log will provide you with inspiration and will help determine your way forward when youā€™re ready to do so.

Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to reading how it continues. Good luck!

:guitar: David



Thatā€™s actually what I did at that time too due to my situation, but I unfortunately got infected at home by a family member living with us. Shā€¦ happens!

Thanks, Iā€™ll do my best :blush:!

Thanks a lot Toby! :green_heart:

@BurnsRhythm Thanks a lot, David!
Yes, I never lost my inspiration and optimism and guitar has a lot to do with it! This and the support of family and friends.
I started the log, because at the end of Grade 3, Iā€™m still not sure where to go :laughing:.
So I plan to do a little ā€œinventoryā€ and write that down, maybe that helps to sort my thoughts :slightly_smiling_face:.


You have come a long way in your journey. You seem to have had a pretty active life - work, family, outdoor activities, sports and then picking up guitar, - with a bit of a road bump on that journey. But I see a strong commitment in you so keep up the great attitude and stay strong. I have enjoyed you on the forum. You take care and I will be watching for your next song.

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Many years ago I also got a sort of fatigue syndrome following a short covid-like illness. Of course, at the time, no one had ever heard of covid or used the term fatigue syndrome. The doctors told me I was imagining it. Anyway, without going into too much detail I went from being fit, healthy and active to being very tired in a few days. I couldnā€™t do much physically and tired very rapidly.

In my case, I had 3-6 very bad months and then this just very slowly went away over time (about 2 years), until, I realised that I was sort of back to normal. However, throughout it I always tried to do a little of something every day and just had to make sure I stopped when I had to, even if it meant just doing a little of something. I didnā€™t have the guitar at that time but I had other things.

But guitar is a really good thing for that. You can pick it up for just a few minutes and if you feel ok it can be in your hand for hours. Other days, if itā€™s tiring then the practice can last some minutes.

In your case, from the description of your guitar journey and your life experiences, Iā€™m sure you wonā€™t give up or lose your ā€œend of grade 3ā€ focus. You sound like a very determined individual and very enthusiastic about guitar. Iā€™m sure you will always find some stimulating things to learn - guitar seems to be like that. Also guitar is a great physical/mental activity as it requires concentration, coordination and thought.

Just donā€™t overdo it and Iā€™m sure everything is going to be fine. And you have a great community to support you here!!!

I will keep following your log with interest and all the best for your health and your guitar journey.

Enjoy the consolidation.



What an amazing and beautifully written start to your LL!

Iā€™m looking forward to following you on your consolidation journey. I also ended up finding guitar during a rough period in my life and I will never cease to be amazed at the power of this instrument.

Congrats on finishing grade 3! Iā€™ll be excited to see where you go from here :grin:


Hi Andrea,

thank you for sharing your story with us. It was a good read in a way that it shows what a strong person you are - despite all the issues appearing along the way. Thatā€™s truly inspiring and your honesty about it all is admirable! :orange_heart:

Health wise, I wish you all the best and keep my fingers crossed the Fatigue will be gone some day (the sooner the better). :four_leaf_clover:

Guitar wise, youā€™ve come a long way for sure and all the dedication you put in to learn the instrument is paying dividends. And of course, playing guitar and making music is fun and helps healing our souls, too (at least fo me).
Taking time for consolidation and looking around trying stuff to find a future direction is invaluable. One good thing is: Nothing is carved in stone. If some day you feel like ā€œYeah, itā€™s Bluesā€ and follow that path until another day you feel ā€œYeah, itā€™s Hard rock for me now!ā€ and dive into this, itā€™s still fine. :smiley: :sunglasses:

Anyway, Iā€™m curious to see where your path will lead you to and am looking forward to follow your journey a little. :slight_smile:

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To me, your story does give out positive vibes. It shows that even when life throws us a curve ball it is possible to come out the other side. Good luck with your future journey in life and with your guitars.


Ah my bad i forgot about that possibility
Sometimes our relatives are our worst ennemies :sweat_smile:

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@pkboo3 Thanks for the nice comment, Pamela. Indeed I had a pretty active life until 20 months ago and Iā€™m currently hope to get back some time soon.

:joy: Thanks, I give that back to you!

One of my intents for this year was to post a bit more, didnā€™t happen unfortunately, I simply didnā€™t have the energy to set things up and I didnā€™t have so much stuff I was really happy with :wink:.

@Prof_Thunder Ian, Thanks a lot for your thoughtful reply! Sad to hear you had a comparable problem to mine and so glad to read, you found a way out!

:joy: Youā€™re right here - I never expected this in the beginning :wink:, I was in such a different life situation with this sports focus. Never saw myself sitting in a room with an instrument for hoursā€¦ the thing about the stimulating things is, there are too many of them with guitar :flushed:. How to narrow that down?

Easier said than done! And Iā€™m very happy to be part of this communityā€¦

@Jenndye429 Thanks for taking the time to read this long first entry!

Glad, guitar and singing!! had been helpful for you. Everyone can see the benefit you took out of that for your creative songwriting and producing :star_struck:!

@Lisa_S Thanks for your warm comment! I hope you and your little one (and daddy too) are well and enjoing life?
Thanks for the good wishes and yes, guitar gives me a lot of positive vibes (and frustration, sometimes :joy:). But I decided, everyday with the guitar in my hands is a good day :dizzy:.
I guess, Iā€™ll need quite a while for consolidation, there is so much to digest and to transfer into songs.
Part of this process will be to find a focus where to go next.
All the best for you and your family, hopefully not too many sleepless nights and at least a bit of time everyday to play guitar! :green_heart:

@TonyHS Thanks for your nice reply, Tony! I read your logentries from time to time and admire your courage to jump into cold water with all the gigs you are doing and the ability to learn so many songs in short periods. Hats off!


I wouldnā€™t maybe go that far :rofl: :joy: :joy:. I love that person nevertheless!