Deep Purple… lullaby…
Maybe this???
CiT was on the agenda but it was pretty much the whole DP MIJ and DP in Rock albums most nights and all the pre October 77 LS albums. 44 years on she feeds me with some grand new Southern Rock bands and we’ve both musically corrupted my grand daughter, who also bungs new bands my way !!
On my daughters wedding day waiting for the car to arrive I whacked on Billy Idol White Wedding and Maiden’s Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter and we still have a craic about that today !
Sorry @Helen0609 we digress - back to the plot !!
Thanks for sharing Andrea and congratulations on your progress. You have come a long was in your journey. It’s good that you’re taking a moment to explore your options whilst consolidating Grade 3 as gives you an opportunity to reflect on what path to take next.
Nothing to think about here. We all know you’re a big fan of the blues, it’s a great structured course and you’re ready for it. It would be interesting to know who in the community is signing up for Class 2.
I remember those “windy days”, we had a very hard time, until we got some help from our doctor. DM me, if you need a tip. We are off track here !
It will, for sure! and until things settle, indulge your sweety with a few lullabies on guitar!
@Silvia80 Thanks for the good wishes, Silvia! You are definitely one of the persons here, spreading so much good vibes!
@CATMAN62 Tod! I’m out of breath after reading your post No, jokes aside, I really appreciate your thoughtful reply!
O my godness, I did
! Enough for a second life! My son used to be a competitive ski racer and I’ve spent literally years of my life on the slopes with endless training sessions and support! He was “one” with his skis, precision in every turn, seemed to be effortless…
I’m bit spoiled by sports… I always picked up everything in sports quite quickly from youth on, although training is key there too. I guess, guitar takes me longer to absorb new skills.
Playing guitar should be primarily a relaxing thing to do. I don’t have to proof anything, that’s really good. But I guess, when we are doing something with passion, we all tend to set the bars higher, it’s just human. I know, I won’t ever become a pro and that’s by far not my intention, but every day a little better .
My biggest “luxury problem” is, a bit like yours, to have a really broad taste of music. So I can’t break that down into a certain preference.
This, and the fact, that I simply enjoy almost everything on guitar… so time will tell… .
Oh, when all this annoying circumstances had an effect, it’s that I learned how strong I really am. I do my best to deal with it and I never allowed sadness to take over. Not as long as I can hold a guitar ! When it gets tough, I crank the amp, or do some fingerpicking “meditation”, according to the mood…
All good, thanks for all the good wishes!
Cool dad! She soaked up good musical taste then !
You told that somewhere else already. How cool is that ! Great memory for both of you!
Never mind! All good, feel free to hijack !
@Socio James! Nice to see you over here!
Hm… not sure about that , simply not sure, if I could make a commitment like that, I plan to do a seperate post outside my log concerning this
Not me , I’m simply not there yet skillwise and unfortunately have to sort out things in life and get more stable, but I would be really interested for the future!
Wish you lots of fun, should be the last module for your Blimmer’s right now?
Guten Morgen, Andrea
Maybe we should introduce a rule that folk shouldn’t be allowed start their learning log until they’ve settled into their guitar journey and become familiar with the Community…
This was a lovely read
You’re one of the growing bunch of decent, strong-minded, good-humoured women who joined the Community and have become regular contributors.
Much appreciated
Whether something is good or bad, important or trivial, what makes it interesting and relevant for me is whether it is authentic. Your personality shines out of your comments, even when describing difficulty. Keep it up.
Regarding making the most out of this life… Well, I can’t argue with that
However, as a greedy, self-centred hedonist, I tell myself that when I move on, it’s gonna be even better the next time around (whether here or ‘somewhere else’)-
Who cares if it’s true?
I’ll not clog your LL responding to ‘baby chat’ like Lisa & Toby , but will comment in the appropriate thread
Have a good day.
Have a good 1000 days!
@brianlarsen Hi Brian, thanks for the nice reply, I still have a grin on my face!
At least one person cares about keeping everything nice and tidy , thanks for that
. Aber hast du da nicht den Bock zum Gärtner gemacht
? (German saying, translated would be: don’t you let the goat do the gardening)
Was it such a men’s world before ? As an “invader” into the holy halls of men’s friendly guitar talk, I thankfully take this as a compliment
. I hope all of you “old and honourable members” can deal with some more female input
Same for me, I see it as a big, big value of this community, that members are mostly sincere/honest and don’t hide their personalities behind a wall. At times, where self-promotion in social media is taking over, I find this to be very precious.
How do you even come up with such thoughts ?
At least the output from that is very entertaining for us .
Hey, that’s only 2,7 years ?? I guess I need at least a few decades!
Hi Andrea. This whole LL has been a terrific read. The serious parts with health issues and then the humorous parts. The constant interruptions and off topic subjects from the others adds to what could be published in a magazine.
Love it. Like @brianlarsen says it’s great that we have more women contributing regularly on the forum. Funny thing is they mostly seem to come from the European continent and the USA/Canada and more recently Australia. Where are all the UK female guitar players?
I know I’ll immediately be proven wrong with my statistical analysis as all the UK ladies will now target me!
Where are all the other Aussie lady guitarists, we need to form a gang!
(Due to the sanctity of the sisterhood every woman is welcome, but you’ll need to put on an accent.)
Sorry for the late response, Gordon, had a busy weekend .
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the nice reply! I’m happy, that quite a few people replied and threw in some amusing stuff, I enjoy that a lot and hope folks will keep that up, as it adds a lot of inspiration!
Good question! I didn’t realize that so far, but you are right . Can’t see an obvious reason for this. I guess, it’s just coincidence?
Hey, UK ladies, give us a sign !
Thanks again, Gordon and many greetings!
Well, that’s a lot! I’m glad you’re hanging in there and persevering and I sure hope things get better for you!
Thank you, Rebecca! I still hope, that everything gets better sometime soon.
December 2024
Like every year in December, time is flying, lots of things to do and my practice has to take a backseat and is currently just a mix of Christmas songs and a few others, no structured approach at the moment!
Oh those Christmas tunes are driving me crazy! Have been at a very good point at the beginning of the week, but messed up everything in my last practice session. I get shivers down my back when I think about performing for my parents and family at Dec 24th
I hope, I can do at least a recording next week to post here… .
I followed the AI thread last week and thought a lot about the influence of AI on music in the future and if I like this aspect of artificial influence or not.
Then, yesterday, I had another proof of how overwhelmingly emotional “real” music can be…!
Our local military orchestra, known for high class performances, gave a concert in our church to the benefit of some caritative initiatives.
We were invited and had the chance to get places in the third row, really close to the musicians.
The “location”, a Bavarian church in late baroque style, illuminated by soft lights and candles that made all the frescos and gold ornaments glow… , was a beautiful frame with great accustics for a mindblowing classical concert!
The choice of classical peaces was amazing. There’s so much to learn from classical orchestra music. Perfection, timing, feel, sensitivity, all the (subtle) dynamics, the coordination of all musical parts of instruments, the dedication of each musician to their instrument and the created emotions for the listener! The whole audience was listening spellbound…
We had a wonderful calm little hour and a half and were deeply touched by those great “real” musicians.
There is hope that music stays “human”! The experience of listening to music from musicians of flesh and blood is simply unbeatable!
What strikes me about your log is of course perseverance! Great work to get to the end of level 3! I’m finishing up level 2. Your blog inspires me to keep battling and keep going.
Aw, nice update, Andrea
Try not to worry about any ‘performance pressures’. Everybody will just be so pleased to see you doing what you love to do
(and apologies if I inadvertently unsettled you with the ‘thinking machines’ )
The concert sounds absolutely gorgeous. Music in beautiful settings is magical.
I will only say this because I feel we only have goodwill and understanding towards each other, but I do have a personal problem with military representation in churches (and vice versa); and we have no shortage of that in this country. Ah, well, I’d better not travel down that path any further, as it will only end in tears…
Let me wish you a very Frohe Weihnachten and a Guten Rutsch!
Hi Steve,
Thank you for reading my LL and your nice ords to me …
You used the wrong reply button, just the one under the opening post… this happens quite often… and I am convinced that Andrea realizes this as you will read below
and good morning Andrea
@BarrhamianSteve Thanks Steve! Glad to read you are in your way to finish Grade 2! You’ll enjoy Grade 3, so much to discover and learn. I’m happy, if I could inspire others to stay motivated. I think, perseverance and motivation are two key factors to get better on the guitar. Stay motivated and, very important, have FUN. Wish you all the best and keep on “battling” !
@brianlarsen Brian, many thanks for the nice words! Although I played theatre when I was younger and had to speak in front of people for professional reasons, playing guitar in front of others is still… intimidating… .
I truly admire your abilities as a fearless and born performer. You are a good example how to do it .
Ha, I had this in my brain a looooong time before , but my concerns about the benefit or harm of AI were rather directed into other parts of our life, music was just a side aspect.
I’m sure you loved it and I’m also pretty conviced you had felt the magic of the whole scenery as we did .
I hear you on this but be assured, it couldn’t have been less “military representation” .
But, you are right, different topic…
Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie auch Frohe Weihnachten und ein wundervolles neues Jahr! May creativity be with you !
Yes, Rogier, indeed, Andrea did !
Good morning dear Rogier! Have a nice day! I have to see to get some practice for my Silent Night… .
ooooh silent night ? will you share it in the community christmas songs topic ?
Deborah! I’ll try to do my best !