Belated NGD - PRS SE Paul’s Guitar

Yes, certainly, but this PRS is now the guitar that I play about 10 minutes a week, the guitar that I play most of the time on the Ibanez Q54 is almost 400 grams lighter and weighs 2.37 grams…
but the PRS plays the best :sunglasses:
I melt away at your guitar :blush:

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And that’s why we keep buying more & more guitars :rofl:
The search for the “perfect” guitar is a futile yet enjoyable (although expensive) journey!

I foresee some PRS Semi-hollow or Hollowbody guitars in my future…
Fantazing over this one at the moment (but it’ll have to wait for a major guitar playing anniversary):
PRS SPECIAL SEMI-HOLLOW in a Cobalt Smokeburst finish.

Unlimited tonal options :smiling_imp:

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You are bad, very, very very bad


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That is a very good point.



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Hello Firas :slightly_smiling_face:

So great that you are back again and still love to play and learn (even more and more every day)!

And you’ve even added such a beautiful new guitar to your already very impressive collection :star_struck:
I love the colour and the bird inlays on the fretboard. Surely you’ll have lots of fun with your new six-stringed friend (and all the other ones too) :notes: :guitar:

Happy new guitar day :partying_face: and dearest greetings from Germany

Gunhild :lady_beetle:

PS: And just don’t sell any of them :flushed:


Hello Firas,
welcome back again, and what a beautiful new guitar you bring along. The black gold burst finish is amazing, and it’s name, Dune, is so fitting! :smiley:

See you!


Welcome back it’s been a while .what a beautiful guitar have fun with it.

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@Gunhild thank you for the warm welcome back :blush: It’s great to see that all the kind people are still here. I still remember all the kind words of encouragement you gave me in my first AVOYP posts. I hope you’re still enjoying playing your “Red Special” :smiley:

Oh and message received loud & clear, keep all the guitars :rofl:

@franzek Thanks Franz :blush: The name was inspired by the Dune remake (I remember watching the original back in the day) and from living in an Arab desert country :desert:

@Jwaters Thank you Jeff and much appreciated :blush: