Ben from UK

Hello all, took me a while to write this intro post!

I’m Ben from Chester, NW England. I’m a returning guitarist having completed Justin’s previous beginner course a couple of times before but losing my way afterwards.

I’m currently in Beginner grade 2 and a big fan of the new course, challenging but well explained.

I have 2 guitars, a Gretsch Jim Dandy and an Epiphone Nick Valensi Riveria. Although I have major GAS and an upcoming landmark birthday…


Hi Ben, welcome to the community forum. Your story is very familiar. I had several false starts with Justin’s classic beginner course, before really digging into the new course and practicing with regularity. I joined the community, introduced myself in grade 1 and started my learning log after Grade 2. The learning log will really helped me as i progressed through Grade 3.


Hello Ben & welcome!!!

Hope it’s a good birthday… what’s the “landmark”???

Have lots of fun with the course!!!


Thanks Steve, I’ve not seen the learning logs yet. Will take a look

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Thanks Tod, 40 next month

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Welcome Ben,
You’ve landed in the right place - there’s more of us returners here than in a boomerang factory!
Hope you find everything you need for your guitar journey here


Welcome to the forum Ben

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Welcome to the community Ben!

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Welcome, Ben. I’d never played guitar till I found Justin a little over a year ago. This is an AWESOME place to learn and make friends!

I have an upcoming landmark birthday and bought myself a nice little acoustic, be sure to post photos when you get yours so we can all ooooo and awwwwwe.


Hey Ben welcome to the community. Great to hear you are making progress

Hey Ben welcome! And welcome back to learning with JG. Intrigued by what you’ve got lined up for the landmark birthday :slight_smile:
Have fun :slight_smile:

Hi Ben.

If you liked the old BC you’ll love the new courses and grade system. Updated lessons and extra material to keep you interested. Enjoy.


hi Ben
nice to meet you. welcome to the community :smiling_face:
Happy birthday for next month. Love to see photos of your new guitar :smiley: :guitar: :sunflower:

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Hi Ben ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hello Ben :smiley:

A warm welcome to the forum :sunflower:

Great that you’ve picked up your guitar again.
I’m currently in Grade 2, too, and you are right: it is challenging, but well explained and structured - and lots of fun. :notes: :guitar:

Enjoy your musical journey and your upcoming birthday (there even is a tutorial for “Happy Birthday” in Grade 2, so you can play your own song for yourself :wink:)

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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