Better late than never

Hi All,
I’m Corine, 40s, from the US with a job or two and a kid or two and a husband and a dog and never seemed to be able to carve out a space to learn something I’ve wanted to learn for a LONG time.

I’m an artist and creative person but tended to visual arts and writing because it was easier for me than music. Have a talented older brother that was very naturally good at music and his perfectionism made me question my skills. So I shied away from something because I didn’t like not being good at it. Why waste my time if I just don’t have it, right?

But the music kept calling me and I just love the guitar and I love the sound and melodies and the way it makes me feel. So I’m finally back here and back at it and really enjoying it actually. Sometimes I get emotional about it because I just didn’t realize how important it was to me. I’m so glad to be here.

And I’m really grateful to everyone, Justin, Richard, Nicole, Lee, and all the volunteers and people who do this amazing work putting out videos and hosting live classes and running this forum. I’m really grateful for the POSITIVITY. I realized long ago, I need a cheerleader. This is hard. I sound terrible some days. But I know I’m getting better and either way, I do enjoy it. So I just have to keep going and I know that I will get where I want to go.

So I’m here for the music, for the positivity and for myself and I thank everyone for welcoming me and letting me learn alongside you guys! Thank you for the music, it means a lot to me!

Best wishes,


Welcome to the forum Corine

Hi Corine and welcome to the forum! We’re happy to have you here.

I see a lot of parallels between your story and mine. I grew up in a musical family (my parents were in a band when I was a teenager) and besides a failed stint at piano, I had pretty much given up on doing anything musical. I did theater instead for many years. I finally picked up guitar for the first time at age 39 and haven’t looked back.

Keep at it! There are definitely days where you feel like nothing you are doing sounds good. But then there are days where some things just click and it makes all the work that much more rewarding.

Enjoy your guitar journey!

Hi Corine,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a nice learning curve :sunglasses:

I’m going to look for my pompoms :sunglasses:


welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard, Corine!

Glad you decided to give it a go - it is so rewarding! :smiley:

I wish you loads of fun on your guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

Welcome Corine, good to see you finally started with guitar.

Hi Corine, welcome to the community forum. What you have just said lets me know that you will be successful. Have a little fun each day with the guitar and over time you will grow to love it more.

Great job, Corine! Even 15 or 20 minutes a day, and in a short while, we’re better at whatever it is we’re working on.

Funny side note … when you said 'a job or two, a kid or two, a husband … I half expected ‘a husband or two’ … made me laugh out loud!


Hey Corine, welcome to the forum. What I like about the guitar, especially the acoustic guitar, is how accessible it is, I can just grab it from it’s stand, tune it and in literally moments be playing music.

My wife, an artist, has a much higher hurdle to climb, she has to get her paints, brushes, etc all ready and find a clean space or considering she does various mediums, it can be a bit of setup and even bigger take down, it’s taken her a while to just make sure she does art multiple times a week.

Contrast that to the guitar and it’s a much simpler instrument to get my artistic fix. I encourage you to do whatever it takes to make it part of your daily routine.

Look forward to hearing more from you.


Welcome to the group.


Hi Corine,

Welcome to the group good luck with your journey.


Hi Corine welcome to the forum.

Thanks all for the support and welcome! Appreciate it all :wink:
