Great job Roland! That change of energy and playing after 30 seconds didn’t half catch me by surprise!! Terrific mix of picking and strumming from that point, I’d go with that from the beginning to be honest.
Either way, really enjoyed that, thanks for sharing!
Thank you. There are glitches in the recording again.
Maybe I can’t charge my laptop and record at the same time.
The glitches are only on my laptop I guess.
Hello Roland, wow, this was really great playing . Sometimes, it even sounded like you were playing two guitars - great dynamics and strumming/picking pattern
Really nice job Roland - enviably accurate timing, strumming and picking there!
Glad to hear from you, Rolandson, and you are still playing. Some neat playing to work in the bass walks and the picked-finger style to hit individual notes and maintain the strumming rhythm
Thank you. I subscribe to Justintabs. I find it much easier to learn a song because of the video.
I may subscribe to ultimate guitar as well. I got an offer for 19.90 in a year.
I don’t know it yet because there are at least 400 songs I want to learn on Justin tabs.
That was terrific Roland. Great picking and strumming and really cool dynamics to your playing. Very enjoyable!
I hear some solid improvement in your guitar work. Vox still needs a bit more of a helping hand, but that too seems a bit better,
Keep up the good work and vibe!
That was great Roland. Your best yet, I think. Loved the change up and some great bass note picking going on as well.
I agree with LBro as well, your vocals did sound a little better.
Hi Roland. I liked your version of Blowin’ In The Wind. The change of rhythm accompaniment worked well.