Blues Immersion Scholarship | General Announcement

Hey Community :wave:

Here with a quick update for the Blues Immersion Scholarship.

Applications are now closed, and we have emailed the five selected students. We understand this may not be the result you were hoping for, but rest assured, new opportunities will come!

We plan to start Class 2 in Winter 2024/2025 and will offer similar scholarships in the future, you’ll be able to apply again.

The winners of the five free spots for the Blues Immersion program are:

  • Kevin Lash
  • Ali Grant
  • Lakshay Bhardwaj
  • Aaron Addams
  • Janell Sparks

Thank you to everyone who applied for the scholarship for Blues Immersion. We received many touching stories—thank you for sharing them with us.

The JustinGuitar Team