Blues Lick App

I did a search under this topic and couldn’t find the answer that I am looking for. Hopefully someone has some input here.

I’m looking into purchasing the Blues Lick app. It’s only available in iOS and I’m an Android person. I do have an old iphone that I can download the app into, but my eyes may have an issue seeing the notes due to the small screen.

Are there any plans to update the app with new material? I saw the update history was 2 years ago. It was only updated to get the latest versions of iOS.

I am hesitating on buying the app for a few reasons. One reason being updated material. Second reason, if there were any plans to bring it to Android. Three, I could buy a used ipad but I don’t really want to.

On the old iPhone that I have, it does show what the app looks like on an iPhone. I am having trouble seeing the notation.

So are there any plans to add updated material in the app?

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I have raised the questions with @larynejg

Update … it is on a wishlist of plans to convert to android but unlikely to be any time soon I’m afraid.

That’s okay. I was gonna post this in the 2023 FB Group but thought this would be a better spot for my question.

I did buy the Blues Jam Track Deluxe Vol 1 version. I thought the blues lick app might be a fun way to breakup the periods of boredom with practing.

Do you have any experience with the app?

Not personally, I don’t have iOS.

Hey Holly,

Have you seen Justins Blues Licks module in Grade 4 ?
Over 50 blues licks there, each with a video. If not, that should keep you busy for about a year. :nerd_face:

Cheers, Shane

Hi Holly,

blues lick heaven

This is what Shane is referring to…but hopefully you’ll take to heart (Justin saying actually) that you’ve been practicing one or two licks for a really, really long time. I remember him saying “everyone knows it I speak to and says to do it, but nobody does it” …but practice with the same one or 2 licks for months, really really long (especially if you are in the early stages of your journey)
That’s the way to learn…I stopped learning new licks right then, and am improving and applying them in 1000+ ways(really)

Good luck and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: