Bo Diddley - Before You Accuse Me

Good to get the whole shebang, David :grinning:
That was a confident, competent rendition :grinning:
It still surprises me how often I just slip out of time when strumming along to my trusty Trio, and you’re right, it can be a nightmare to get back to the right place, esp. in a performance situation :roll_eyes:
all useful learning experiences :grinning:


@brianlarsen Thanks Brian. As much as I wish it were not so, at my level inconsistency is significant. I guess that major blow out at an OM, be it Community or local, was always lurking to pounce.

But I am still enjoying young love with my Trio and started working up a third song for OM20 yesterday and could conceivably have another crack at this one live if there is the opportunity.


That was really good David, very enjoyable.

That must have been a hard one to do, keeping that shuffle going and then having to squeeze quite a few sung words in to certain places but you looked to have no issues with it.

Also you didn’t give yourself much time to get all your new equipment setup and learnt. Talk about pilling the pressure on to yourself.

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@SgtColon Thanks Stefan. Glad you enjoyed it. I’m continuing to play it while I work up a third song on the Trio.

As for the setup, I am generally OK with that sort of thing and could have switched back to the 2i2. So my performance issues really down to insufficient practice to reach a level of consistency where the mistakes would be the usual level of mistake that one plays through, noticed by yourself and not the audience.

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Hi David,

Great job.
Can’t beat some blues.
Who Do You Love? is my fave of his tracks.

Have you tried Reaper for your plugins? Seems pretty robust no matter how many plugins I throw at it.


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Thanks for the encouraging feedback, Digger.

I never knew that Who Do You Love? was his originally. I love the song courtesy of George Thorogood. Love that Bo Diddley beat. There’s a challenge to master playing and singing a song with that groove.

I did setup to play through Reaper and into OBS but struggled with latency and it seemed an added link in the chain that wasn’t needed given that you can add those same VST2 plugins onto a track in OBS.

So these days I use OBS for the live recordings for AVOYP or OMs and Reaper for original songs and collaborations.

How do I miss these AVOYPS? Im on here nearly every day, and these are the ones I really want to see. Anyway…

Cruisy, relaxed, bluesy. Great balance between your Trio, guitar, and voice.
Was a pleasure to listen to.

Cheers, Shane

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Thank you for sharing this Dave. That’s a great rendition of that song that got me tapping my foot along with your shuffle. I love the Eric Clapton unplugged version of this, so was pleased to hear you play it.

Great work with the Trio+ combining everything together beautifully. Very kind of you to post this after the OM didn’t work out, as you’ve allowed us to enjoy your playing it, and inspired those of us early in our guitar playing journey and aspire to play blues songs in the future :blush:

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@sclay Thanks Shane, Topics slip down the list real quick, so easy to miss. Glad you enjoyed it so much, appreciate the encouragement.

@firasR Thanks Firas, it’s a great song to work on the shuffle. My first rendition was played with the shuffle strum and open chords. Took a while to manage the ‘tap the head, rub the tummy’ playing this way and singing it.

The trick with the Trio is using an Audio Interface with 4 input channels. So I have the ability to balance the levels of Trio, guitar, and voice in OBS. Much more difficult if recording with a single mic in the room.

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Really rocked it David. Loved the guitar tone and rhythm. Vocal wise, in tune, laid back and pleasant to listen to. For me, maybe lacking a little of the ‘defensive hurt/blame’ implied in the original lyrics. Wish I could play and sing even half as well!

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Nice one David, you made a very decent job of that. Nothing I would nitpick about at all, nice and steady laid back shuffle blues; excellent :ok_hand:

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@DaveTC59 @DarrellW

Thanks for giving it a look n listen, guys. Glad you enjoyed and appreciate the encouragement.

Hi David, such a pro performance to my ears and eyes! … it sounded really great and felt smooth and relaxed. My eyes were caught by that going all over the fretboard very easily, I guess it took a lot of work to get to this point. I was struck also by the quality of the sound. Very well done my friend!

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Wow David you totally got the groove there going! Well done such a good job! Perhaps next time you play at Community OM you could try again? I think if you succeed then bad memories will quickly go away for good :slight_smile: all the best!

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@SILVIA Thanks Silvia, glad you enjoyed it. Isn’t it wonderful how deceptive appearances can be. I imagine we all look a whole lot more relaxed and giving the impression that one is easily achieving the performance :laughing: I still have a ways to go to feel as relaxed playing and singing this as I am when strumming and singing the open chord songs I can play. Appreciate the comment on the sound quality, I do take some time to try to get all the bits and bobs working well and sounding good together

@adi_mrok Thanks Adrian. It does feel good when managing to get into and stay in the groove. Still a challenge to bring the playing and singing together, and more so when playing with that unforgiving, unaccommodating band who just get rocking and are unsympathetic to their guitarist’s struggles to keep up :rofl: I will try it again, perhaps in the next but probably come back to it again in the future which will probably feel less pressured. I moved on quickly, am back on the horse, and not suffering any long-term effects from the moment.

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Hi David,
Great job on this one. I did not wander over to hear the “missed the target” rendition. So no comparisons on this to that.

I really liked your solid play, is timing, tone and all aspects. Your vox to my ears sounded really good. Nice job. Mix was good and the whole production was well done…

Take good care,

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@LBro Thanks LBro, always good to hear that things sound good allround to your ears.

If you have time it is worth taking a look at some of the Community OM videos. They have all been a good mix of music, and of a pretty good standard of performance. But you won’t find my last attempt as I asked for it to be edited out, preferring to just share this recording in AVOYP.

I am not familiar with this song. I found it to be played well and only one thing was weak in the singing. It seems to me you are singing in the wrong key. I am a baritone singer and many of the songs I like are in the key of C. I can sing in the key of C, but many songs are either too high or too low. I recently put a Capo on the 2nd Fret and found I could sing many of the C songs in the Key of D perfectly. I just play the same C Shapes up two frets. So I did not have to learn the all the odd shapes of D. It was a good fellow that recommended the Capo to me. I have found nany other songs I can do the same thing with really much better results. I think my voice is much stronger and I can “Sing out” much better in the right key.

Thanks for the listen and thoughtful feedback, Lee.

You could well be right. I confess I never thought about that and may well be more comfortable playing the same frets but with a capo on to adjust the key.