Bon Jovi - These Days (Acoustic V2)

So, it’s been quite a while since I posted here (went on vacation, then the repairs of my flat were started and didn’t have much time to practice), and since today I’ve gotten a little breathing room, I decided to post a newer version of a song, which I’ve did way back when I started suspended chords. It was probably one of the first videos of mine and remembering it, yeah, it had a lot of unnecessary stops while changing chords (I was still learning how to not stop while changing the chords, if I remember correctly). Now, I decided to re-record the song and for the most part, play it from memory. And, for the most part, I think I’ve succeeded (though a couple of misplaced chords here and there and couple of wrong lyrics lol).


Hi Aurimas,

You have some steady rhythm and your singing is getting better and better. I’ve played this song too recently and love the song. Great improvement from the first video.

Keep up the great! Progress!


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Thank you :slight_smile: It’s nice to revisit songs, which you were learning when you just started playing.

Good to hear from you again, Aurimas. My memories are not strong, but my sense is that you have stepped up in your playing. It is sounding greatly improved in tone and feel (if my memories are accurate). Well done, keep on keeping on.

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Nice job Aurimas, your learning is going from strength to strength.

I think we are all a little pausey on our chord changes at the beginning.

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