Bonjour from Emmanuel in Switzerland

Bonjour, I am Emmanuel from Switzerland, living in the Zürich Greater Area near Winterthur, blessed by this city which is really musical (many bands developing here). In young age I started with Italian and French and professionally moved to German, English being the corporate language. Spanish came as ads-on, just for the pleasure to learn. So feel free to contact me in either language, I’ll catch up :wink: Born in 1962, music has been my background, in many sitiation I have a song coming in my head, no joke, and guitar playing was part of my teenager years, well, not really into it, but still, motivated by Paco de Lucia’s genius. I am not talented and rock climbing, mountaineering, skydiving, scuba diving, you name it, took over guitar playing until I saw a good friend during his concert and said to myself: “I can do it” and some 10 years ago picked again the guitar, this time electric, and played, practiced, played, practiced… What a pleasure. I still consider myself as a beginner, even after deep dives in music theory, training with seasoned teachers and music professors, etc… so much to learn to discover and still no talent. Looking forward to the Blues Immersion, let’s go !


Welcome to the forum Emmanuel

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Hi Emmanuel,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Nice you are also looking here where is a lot more to find then only blues …I did the other way around :smiley: :sunglasses:


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Hello Emmanuel and Welcome!
I hope you enjoy learning with Justin, IMO he is the best guitar teacher on the web & to make all that he does available for free is truly amazing!

I was also born in 1962 & have been playing guitar (poorly) for many years - Justin’s lessons have inspired me to put in practice time & learn songs! I also have songs inside waiting to be born & am impatient for the skill level to give birth to my musical children! :blush:

Good luck with Blues Immersion & have fun with guitar!

Tod from New Mexico USA

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Welcome aboard, Emmanuel! Grüezi in die Schweiz! :smiley:

Sounds like a profund musical past to build on and digging deeper with BLIM. Wish you lots of fun in the Blues land. :slight_smile:

Cheers from Germany - Lisa

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Welcome, Willkommen, benvenuto, bienvenido, bienvenu and welkom (to add some Dutch to your collection :wink: )! Sounds like you are thoroughly enjoying yourself with your guitar. Hope you have loads of fun with the blues immersion course!


Salű Manű,
I flűűge morn Morgä na Zűri. Zwoi Tag z’Bärn u zwoi Tag z’Einsiedle (40-Jahr Matura-Fäscht) :open_mouth:
I loved the photos on your website :sunglasses:
I’ve skied most of my life and love the mountains, although never did any ‘proper’ climbing.
You sound like a focused guy, so I’m sure will do well on the blues course.
We get out what we put in :smiley:

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Bonsoir Emmanuel,

welcome on board, I’m too a recent addition to the JG community and already enjoy it tremendously, everyone is nice and friendly, a real pleasure!

All the best for your new adventure!

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Welcome :pray: Emmanuel and good luck with your journey. :guitar:

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Bienvenue Emmanuel.

Ian (Lausanne)

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Welcome Emmanuel from a German neighbour. Wish you lots of fun with the blues course and here in the community!

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Welcome to the Community Emmanuel :wave:

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Welcome Emmanuel, if you’re signed up to Blues Immersion I wouldn’t say you’ve got no talent!! Hope you enjoy both that and being part of the Community :slight_smile: :+1:

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Bon matin Emmanuel, ça va? Je ne parle qu’un peu de français donc je vais continuer avec l’anglais
I hope that you have a wonderful experience with your Blues course, it’s also my favourite genre and has been for many years, but there’s always something to learn isn’t there?

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grazie mille, vielen dank, THX

THX, are you from Québec?

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Welcome, Emmanuel, bonjour and hola!

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Bonjour Emmanuel, welcome to the community forum. Have fun in the blues immersion.

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Buongiorno! Welcome aboard!

Cool to hear you live in a city that ‘s pumpin’ with music!

Glood luck!

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Hola Emmanuel, bienvenido aqui a la comunidad de Justin Guitar!! Encontraras aqui mucha gente amable que te puede ayudar com lo que sea de la guitarra. Hay hente de todos los niveles y, más que nada, es un grupo super positivo que dan un apoyo y comentarios constructivos siempre!! Que te disfrutas del curso del Blues y que aproveches de las oportumidades que hay aqui en la comunidad por compartir y aprender mutuamente!!